Monday, March 29, 2010

Irish Macaroni and Cheese

1 tbl butter
1 tbl flour
1/2 cup warm milk
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar
1/4 cup Guinness
4 cups cooked macaroni
1/2 cup shredded corned beef*
1/2 cup chopped cabbage*
1 cup lightly smashed, cooked potato*
pinch of cayenne
salt and pepper

*leftovers from a boiled dinner are perfect

Preheat the oven to 375. Heat a little oil in a medium sauce pan to medium-hot. Add the cabbage and corned beef, lightly brown them and set aside. Reduce heat to medium, add the butter and let it melt. Once it's melted add the flour and cook for about 2 minutes, constantly stirring, don't let it get too brown. Slowly add the warm milk, still stirring and let it come to a simmer. Add the Guinness, cheese, black pepper and cayenne. Turn off the heat and stir until the cheese is melted. Taste it and see if it needs more seasoning, add some if it does. Add the macaroni and fold until it's well combined. Spread the mixture in an 8x8 pan. Toss the potato with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and sprinkle it over the top of the pasta. Put it in the oven until browned, about 20 minutes.


First, a disclaimer: that recipe up top is approximate. I had a detailed plan, I swear, but it went out the window as soon as the stove was turned on. I was wicked tired, I couldn't find the recipe I was using as a base, my brain kind of exploded and all that was left was the desire for macaroni and cheese with corned beef, cabbage and Guinness in it. So I just winged it.

It came out wicked good. The pieces of browned cabbage and corned beef added awesome bits of texture and bursts of flavor. It formed a decent crust, which is important to me, and had tons of cheese. All good things. But. Next time I will definitely make more sauce, plus I might butter the pan to make more crispy crust. I love that. The Guinness was much more subtle than I thought it would be, it probably wouldn't hurt to add some more of that too. But that's really more a to taste thing. All in all this was really good and I must say I'm pleased with it. Plus since my girlfriend doesn't like mac and cheese when it's homemade all the leftovers are for me! Ha!
I'm submitting this to Regional Recipes: Ireland over at Eats Well with Others. Have you made something Irish or at least Irishish this month? If so you should send it over to Joanne! Unless, of course, you already have. Heh.

I'm also submitting it to Presto Pasta Nights for additional excitement.


Chris said...

I love your disclaimer. Hilarious, I've had the same state of mind in the kitchen several times!

Elle said...

Bob, this looks freaking awesome! I never would've thought to add corned beef and cabbage stuff to mac and cheese. Geee-nius!

vanillasugarblog said...

it's mac & cheese night. that's what i'm making right now using tillamook cheese.
now thinking i should have tried to incorporate beer in there. never used beer in mac & cheese. looks good...have fun w/ those leftovers!

Joanne said...

Thanks so much for the submission! This is some kind of awesome. I'm enamored. Very. Enamored. I obviously need to go get some corned beef.

Karen said...

This is really interesting - beef, cabbage, potato and macaroni. Sounds like it'd be good with the crunchy top!

Catherine said...

Looks and sounds delicious Bob! The kids will love this recipe, its a definate keeper!
Happy Monday!

Lea Ann said...

I think this sounds crazy good! I can't decide which is more appropriate, a hissy..a caniption..or a mac'n'cheese fit. Fabulous.

Fresh Local and Best said...

I think wicked good is your new tag line. This Irish mac and cheese looks fab!

Barbara said...

Oh yeah, that's wicked good all right! You've got a little of everything we like in there and if there's a crust too, all the better!

Jenn said...

Nice Irish twist to the mac and cheese. I'm amazed when we all take comfort foods to another level.

Hungry Dog said...

OK, I need some of that. now. How does your girlfriend not like mac n cheese? Oh well more for you. And aren't you just loving your new EGO light!!

Tangled Noodle said...

Makes me want to cook up our St. Paddy's Day dinner again, just to have leftovers for this! This is one of the most imaginative mac'n'cheeses I've ever seen. 8-)

Yesica N. Cook said...

Mmmm, intriguing - what a fabulous idea to put Guinness in there!

Rocquie said...

Looks great! I love photo #3.

DutchBakerGirl said...

Wow, does this look good! I grew up hating mac and cheese (nuns...long story) but I have come to appreciate it as an adult. I actually did make an Irish salad for my dinner club last week. It had bacon, and apples sauteed in the bacon fat. Now that was wicked good, lol.

My Little Space said...

Hmm...yumm... this sounds delicious! I think its about time for another mac & cheese.
Have a nice day! Cheer.

3 hungry tummies said...

Oh I really love the addition of corned beef! Sounds really delicious!

La Bella Cooks said...

I love the idea of the Guinness in there. This looks awesome. I'll take what your girlfriend doesn't want to eat as this would be too hard to resist.

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have had this recipe on Sunday. I have 1 lb of corned beef, saurkraut, and some swiss to use...I had no clue what to use it in though (except a sandwich, over it). DANG IT!!! This looks amazing!

Unknown said...

I love mac n cheese and would gladly share in these leftovers:) I'm going to give this a try in the slow cooker to see how it does. I would loce for you to come over to Crock Pot Wednesday and link up whenever you can. There's a giveaway going on during April.

Unknown said...

I think your disclaimer should be my moto! LOL
This sounds like my kind of mac and cheese

(FYI your baking dish shipped today)

Noob Cook said...

love the touch of Guinness. yes, wicked good hehe

grace said...

of course it wouldn't hurt to add more guinness. silly fella.

Jeannie said...

You've managed to make leftovers look so delicious! Love it!

Reeni said...

What a unique twist on mac 'n' cheese! Very creative and absolutely delicious!

Ruth Daniels said...

Great post and awesome dish. What an inventive way with Mac 'n Cheese. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE macaroni and cheese! This sounds amazing. Who would have thought of adding Guinness and potato!

Must get cabbage. Must try this.


Sarah @ Taste My Plate said...

I'm a huge mac n' cheese fan! homemade or from the box.... and never would have thought about this combo. I love experimenting. Thanks for the inspiration!


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