It went down like this:
*Intense stare down, High Noon whistle. I loom over her, almost a foot taller and much heftier.*
Me: "You think you can take me, girl? I have over 100 pounds on you and years of martial arts under my belt!"
Girlfriend: "Uh-huh. Hey! Noodles is scratching your guitar! Go stop her!"
Me: "Whaa?!" I turn my back.
I turn back after noting that no, Noodles was not scratching my guitar but my girlfriend is covered in crumbs and grins. The bastard.
Ok, that didn't really happen. But civil discussion isn't half as amusing.
So anyway, I figured I'd have to make them. But that hasn't happened yet and since I want to clean up my camera I'm going to post about them anyway.

Evil Shenanigans has one that uses golden syrup, which I bet gives a great texture to them.
Here is one at The Joy of Baking that looks an awful lot like the BH&G version and if it is I can testify to its awesomeness.
And here is a gluten free pecan tassie recipe from Simply Gluten Free, which I am intrigued by. I'm not a gluten free needing person but they look fantastic and if that's something you're into you should check that out.
Who out there has had these? Has anyone ever subbed other nuts? I was thinking cashews or almonds. Maybe chocolate and peanuts...
I've always wanted to make those, but never got around to it. I don't know why--they seem easy enough. I also want to make the lemmon tassies on Martha Stewart's site...one of these days...
Oh yeah, baby. And for the record, the best thing Pampered Chef makes (and it's like three bucks, and you can probably get it other places, too)is a wooden stick with a ball on each end. You form the dough into a ball, put it in the mini-muffin cup and use the Pampered Chef thingy to shape it (dip it in flour first). It used to take me forever to make a pan of tassies--now I can whip 'em out at assembly-line speed.
I have memories of these from my southern relatives at Christmas time. They are better than regular sized pecan pie if you ask me.
I'd rather have these than a whole pecan pie - they look yummy!
I have never had these!! and I have that cookbook!! (running to grab said cookbook to look for the recipe) Well shoot... apparently Better Homes and Garden didn't publish that recipe waaaaay back in 1953 (this particular issue use to be my mother in-laws). Pecan Pie is my most favorite...and cream cheese anything is awesome!!
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