I figured I could share this picture of a twenty five fricking pound turkey.

She was a gift to my brother. A friend of his had acquired them and intended to raise them as pets, I believe. But since they were bred for meat they have a very... set lifespan. It reached the point where they were so top heavy they couldn't really walk anymore. Fortunately, that was just in time for Thanksgiving! So that's what he made, took almost six hours in the oven. Best. Turkey. Ever.
Here is the rest of the spread, good times.

I also realize the old blog is looking a little rough around the edges these days. I'm planning on a major overhaul soon, once my girlfriend has time to advise me on colors. Heh.
bob! happy thanksgiving. good to see you partially back dude ^5
Happy Thanksgiving. Welcome back :)
This looks like a great Thanksgiving meal. Happy Thanksgiving!
Viognier is actually a perfect wine. Great choice. Looking forward to your turkey fat tamales. :)
What a turkey!! Happy Thanksgiving!
That is one big fat turkey alright! Looks like you've had a great Thanksgiving!
Welcome back Bob! We missed you! Pretty please, may we have some Sunday cats?
Looks like a table full of great food!
Never have a personal relationship with anything you are planning eat.
My brother's family refused to eat Jose one year. It is now a family joke.
wow...Bob, happy Thanksgiving! Nice to see you back for the holiday! The roasted bird looks divine.
Nice to see u back around!
Welcome back ole pal....better stop by BakeSpace and say hello to us over there as well :)
Great spread....25 lbs...holy moly!!! everything looks incredible :)
That is one serious bird! 25lbs? HUGE! It would be a tight fit in my smoker.
Glad to see you back.
And that was the smallest of her 4 turkeys. The other hen was almost 30lbs, and the smaller tom was 45! They haven't weighed the larger tom - he is frozen away for a later date, but my guess is >50lbs!
Glad you enjoyed dinner, thanks for your help. :)
Hey nice to see you back. Happy belated Thanksgiving! That is a ginormous turkey.
Hey nice to see you back. Happy belated Thanksgiving! That is a ginormous turkey.
Welcome back to blogging :) That is a mighty turkey, I'm wishing I celebrated Thanksgiving now!
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