Friday, November 27, 2009


For those of you just tuning in, I'm the kind of blogger who only posts about holidays after they happen. Mostly because I don't actually host any of them, having lived in a small apartment for the whole life of this blog. I typically go to my brother's place and he, his wife and myself cook. I did a whole post about Thanksgiving last year. This one is going to be a bit brief, but here are some of the highlights of the dinner this year.

One of the appetizers she made was this fruit compote. It was awesome, I'm going to get the recipe and do a post about it. There was also caramelized onion/cornbread stuffing which I completely forgot to eat and for some reason didn't take any home. My sister in law offered me some to take, but clearly the wine was effecting my judgment since I said no. Who knows what I was thinking. Whiskey glazed carrots are always a good choice. Baby brussel sprouts with bacon and... something. I don't remember what and I didn't have any since I don't care for brussel sprouts. Everyone who ate them said they were delightful though. Of course the turkey was amazing, it always is when my SIL makes it. This, children, is where gravy comes from. Mmmm, gravy. No, there is no mix of any kind in there. It's just drippings, basting liquid, salt, pepper and a cornstarch slurry. Yes, it is the best gravy in the world.

And that's all the stuff I got pictures of, I'm afraid I haven't been in blogging mode what with all the packing. But, I hope everyone who celebrates it had a good holiday.


  1. many people? I had about 5 dishes and it was just the two of us!

    everything was real easy though.

    I like cornbread in dressing!

  2. That looks like a yummy turkey!

  3. Yum...I tried to make gravy, but failed in that department. But all my other dishes came out fine. Luckily, I had one of those instant mixes on had for such an occasion. Don't tell anyone. lol.

  4. It sounds like you guys had a great holiday!

    I could never forget to eat stuffing. It is one of my favorite parts of the meal!

  5. Happy thanksgiving! Everything looked great--esp those whiskey glazed carrots!

  6. Wow! What a great Thanksgiving meal. Everything at your brother's place looked great-The brussel sprouts too ;-)

  7. Thanks, everyone. Everything was in fact great :) That gravy was one of the best we have ever done. Butter and chicken stock bastings, long roast, and a cornstarch slurry. Add salt and pepper and off you go...

    Those are some weird angles you got on the roasting pan, Bob -- almost makes it look round!

    The stuffing was good, but I like our more traditional one better -- it is a bread stuffing with dried fruit and nuts. Really rich and yummy. The bread stays together better than the cornbread, which gets mushy. Which I understand that some people like. Freaks.

    And don't feel bad about missing the stuffing, Bob. I still have not gotten around to trying the carrots, and I have leftovers filling the fridge!

  8. All the food looks fab!! Cant wait for the fruit compote recipe, it looks delicious. Wine affects me that way too:)

  9. Everything looks great! I still haven't gotten any of my Thanksgiving food posted. Ugh...wondering if I ever will.

  10. wow Bob, that's a perfect-looking turkey!

  11. monicajane: 8 people and several more dishes. But my SIL likes leftovers, so she always makes extra.

    Steph: You have no idea. ;)

    Jenn: Heh, your secret is safe with me. It's vital to have some mix on hand, just in case.

    noble pig: !!!1!

    Joanne: We did! Heh, mine too. But these things happen. I'll just have to make it myself.

    Hungry Dog: Thanks! The carrots were quite good.

    Velva: Heh, thanks.

    Donna: Man, that compote was awesome. Esp. with some sharp cheddar.

    girlichef: I still have last Christmas dinner unposted. ;)

    Angie: My SIL is the turkey master.

  12. Everything looks delicious!!! What was for dessert?

  13. Sounds like a great meal! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

  14. looks like you had a bunch of yummy food! btw..nothing beats homemade gravy. It's not as difficult as it pretends to be haha

  15. Glad you had a fun day with family. Did you at least take some turkey home to create with?

  16. That dressing looks good. That's one of the most underrated side dishes!


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