Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Here's a Bit of Good News

Don't like red wine? Well apparently you can get similar health benefits from chocolate milk!

"Scientists in Barcelona, Spain, recruited 47 volunteers ages 55 and older who were at risk for heart disease. Half were given 20-gram sachets of soluble cocoa powder to drink with skim milk twice a day, while the rest drank plain skim milk. After one month, the groups were switched.

Blood tests found that after participants drank chocolate milk twice a day for four weeks, they had significantly lower levels of several inflammatory biomarkers, though some markers of cellular inflammation remained unchanged."

While one month isn't exactly a long time for a study, I still say this is a promising area of research that needs a great deal of work done in it. More experiments are clearly needed.

I just wanted to share that, now back to sorting and throwing out junk.


  1. Hey, maybe we can combine this with the study I did a couple of weeks ago--the one that determines whether eating a steady diet of Halloween candy (especially Snickers) prevents parents from catching the swine flu from their children. I'd say the results in my case were pretty promising, but it definitely needs further research as well, along with some eating-candy-when-children-do-not-have-swine-flu to balance things out.

  2. Good news indeed! I like red wine but not chocolate milk. Although, I must say that I love dark chocolate.

  3. I like red wine...actually I drink 2 glasses a day....cocoa powder...well, I think I am sticking out for more dark chocolate.
    I wonder what junk are you going to throw out?

  4. But I don't like chocolate milk either! hehehe

  5. bob this IS good news. I drink a lot of milk and now I can have chocolate!! Yahoooooo
    should we do a press release? lol

  6. hmm.. this just gives us more excuses to eat chocolate. is that a good thing?!

  7. Hmmm, so when I put extra cocoa powder into my chocolate protein shake (no added sugar, though) I really AM being more healthy?!?! Wow, who'd a-thunk it?! LOL!

  8. Hey my kids should be safe then!!!

  9. My head is bubbling at these concepts Bob, you ask too much of my brain. I can say I love red wine and I love all things chocolate, and I love well, you know.

  10. I drink a concoction of pure cocoa powder, milk, and a bit of sugar every morning and have for years. Apparently, there are lovely anti-oxidants in cocoa powder. There is also lovely caffeine in it, too!

  11. That's good news for me coz I love chocolate milk. Hope your move is coming along smoothly. A full size oven and a better kitchen sounds exciting!

  12. This is awesome news, and considering that my next post was going to be about Hot Chocolate (as opposed to hot cocoa)I am ecstatic over this tidbit of information.

  13. Chocolate milk, really? I'm going to make some for myself right now!

  14. sooo...where do I sign up to participate in the research on how healthful chocolate is?

  15. chocolate milk is actually pretty good for you! It is supposedly the ideal thing to drink after running a marathon. It has a really good mix of protein and sugars that helps to refuel your body.

  16. Great! You can drink the chocolate milk.. more red wine for me! ;-)

  17. Chocolate milk rocks! That is so cool! I hope all is going well with your packing and moving!

  18. love red wine :) also love normal ones than the dark choclates!

  19. BOOOOOOOBBBBB, are you back yet?

  20. Here in Belgium, we've known for years that chocolate was good for you!


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