Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Cats

Noodles jumped up in my lap last week and looked up at me. I looked down at her and thought to myself "Holy crap, what's wrong with your face?" Turns out she had a nasty abscess in one of her teeth. She looked like she had the mumps. So she had to have an extraction, which is never fun. Although for cats they just knock them out to do it. Must be nice. Heh. They gave us painkillers for her, which she seemed to enjoy.Lots of lap time, staring and strange noises.

The real Bob was ridiculously happy when she was at the hospital and pissed when she came home. But he got over it, thankfully. I don't need more cat drama on top of moving.

So I'm not going to be doing much cooking for the next couple of weeks, but I will be clearing out my camera. I have 954 pictures on my memory card, most of them food. So I'll be posting some of those, if any of them are worth posting. There's probably a reason most of them are still on the card. Heh.


  1. Oh, poor kitty!
    Two years ago we had lots of stuff going on with my dog (we call him cat, by the way, a Pechingese). One day his face was all swollen on one side, the vet said it was probably an insect bite or he tried to swollow it.
    Then a couple weeks later, I entered the house and found the hall full of blood, on the floor on the wall, a crime scene. He scrached so much under his chin that he took off all the hairs and skin. Cost us a lot that summer.

  2. sweet kitty...I hate it when they don't feel good...

  3. Poor Noodles! Glad she is feeling better & enjoying the painkillers. Bob is probably secretly happy she is home.

  4. Oh poor Noodles! But I'm glad her tooth got looked after. They look so sweet! Have they adjusted to their new surroundings?

  5. oh man..2nd picture of Noodle looks so sweet!

  6. Dajana: Ugh, that sucks. Poor critter.

    monicajane: I know, it's the worst. It's like when babies are sick, you just can't explain it to them.

    Hungry Dog: Heh, he might be. But I'm not so sure. ;)

    Palidor: We haven't actually moved yet, we're still packing. Bob hates it because he knows whats going on, Noodles just loves having all the boxes around.

    Angie: :)

  7. Aw, poor Noodles!!! Hope she is feeling better now.

    Thumper had pain meds that were *chicken flavored* after he had his tooth extractions. Made me wonder if he'd end up in kitty rehab! LOL! That was back in June, I did post about it.

  8. Awww...Noodles. I'm glad she's doing ok. Poor thing.

  9. hang and Eng (my cats) send get well wishes to noodles

  10. Aw, Noodles is such a cutie. I hope she feels better.

  11. Aww your poor cat! She is so puffy and cute.

    bob sure has an attitude huh?

    I'm glad your back to blogging!

  12. ohhh poor little kitty...hey at least she got some good pills!!!

  13. Oh, I feel so badly when Guthrie is's just the worst! Good luck with the move and see you soon!

  14. Good luck to noodles! I'm looking forward to the food pics...are you done with your move?

  15. Ouch! that abcess looks nasty. But then--those painkillers look like they might be ok...

  16. adorable kitten! I thought our cat was the best-looking but I have to admit he's got serious competition here

  17. I've missed seeing Sunday Cats! Sorry to hear about Noodles but it sounds like she's on the road to medicated recovery. Sorry, Bob! 8-)


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