Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday Cats

Noodles like to sit in the window and watch the leaves falling off the trees. It's very cute, until she attacks the screen trying to get at them. She's... not so bright.

The real Bob is one classy, classy guy.He just needs a beer to complete the image. Course, I wish I could lay like that, he looks wicked comfortable. Come to think of it, I could use a beer too. Heh.


  1. How cute! I would love to reach out and scratch Bob's tummy.

  2. We can learn a thing or two from cats, can't we!? :D

  3. It must be nice to carry your own fur blanket everywhere when it starts getting cooler out. As opposed to in August...

  4. mine has ran his head into the window to get at the birds...

    we eventually had to move the birdhouse

  5. Cute kitties. Who doesn't want to spend their sunday napping on their back and then drinking a beer?

  6. Oh, the lives of our cats. I need a good week of A)watching bugs crawling on the deck; B)napping on every available *and not so available* space in the house; C)repeating A and B!

    Yeah, Tofu hasn't come to terms with screens, sliding glass doors or mirrors yet. Surprised she doesn't have brain damage......well, maybe that would explain many things....

  7. Their so funny! I can't help but love them!

  8. Bob, I'm jealous of your cats. I miss the energy (or lack of it sometimes) they bring to a house. Thanks for sharing yours.

  9. LOL...look at them! Yesterday all my 3 cats in the balcony ran, jumped and chased after all the falling leaves...
    well, another reason that noodles hit on the screen, might be they are too clean.

  10. What cute kitties!
    Makes me want to go lie on my back and look out the window... and grab a beer..

  11. I love the name "noodles".
    and I enjoy the Sunday cats!

  12. Your cats are sooo cute! But I'm still prefer dogs.


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