Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This Frittata is a Mystery

My camera is still MIA but I found this in one of my many picture folders. I'm not... completely sure what it is, I think it's a fajita frittata.

I love saying that, fajita frittata. Try it, it's fun. Anyway, this is what I almost always make with fajita leftovers be they from a restaurant or ones I make myself. I don't think I've done a frittata post before and but I'll wait until I actually know for sure whats in it before I post a recipe. Seems like the responsible thing to do. Now I'm craving them though so it's only so long before that happens. Heh.


  1. you know i have a bunch of mystery food photos sitting in the archives that i haven't a clue what they are. maybe i should post them? at least this one is clearly recognizable. i have a few mystery bread loafs that are well a mystery

  2. What this photo reminds me of is just how versatile eggs are when using leftovers. The mystery frittata looks delicious.

  3. Frittatas are PERFECT for leftovers...especially the Mexican variety!

  4. I made this amazing chocolate cake recently, and photographed it, and now I can't find the recipe and the pictures make my stomach growl it was so good. Now the world will never get my recipe!

  5. So now I have this song stuck in my head....hakuna matata only in my head its....fajita frittata, fajita frittata.

  6. Ditto on many food pics. We just toss them up on our Facebook page if we're too lazy to do a recipe or write a post. Lazy works sometimes.

  7. Looks like a delicious leftovers dish, I am thinking there's an asian version for this too.

  8. i think this dish can be made with lots of left overs tossed in with egg and pan friend, would make an excellent meal for lunch or even a light dinner if you dont feel like making much or doing some grand entree

  9. Well.. what ever is in it... I'd totally eat it!!

    I have some pics and I have NO idea how I made the food. Maybe someday I'll figure them out!


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