Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Repost: Berry Biscuit Cups

These would be great for any buffet style thing, they're easy to make and easy to grab. No utensils required. Plus since they're fruit it's good for you! Right? Right.


Man, it seems like forever since I've done a post about biscuit cups. Heh. But seriously, my girlfriend bought several tubes of biscuits and I have to do something with them. And don't let it be said I never do what I say I'm going to. I filled them with fruit this time, just like I said I would in my post last week. And it was wicked good. So, here is the post I have that tells you exactly how to make the cups, just ignore the egg and bacon... well, no, don't ignore them. Make them too, they're wicked good.

You could even make both of them at the same time. Then your meal would have all the major food groups: grain, bacon, butter, sugar... er, eggs... Hm.

Anyway, the fruit cups.

First off, I macerated some chopped strawberries and blackberries. I'm not sure how much sugar I put in I'm afraid, probably ~1 tablespoon, plus a drop of vanilla. I let that sit for a couple hours. Then I made the cups, filled them up with fruit, a little of the macerating liquid and dropped a tiny bit of butter on each one. Because I can. Then I baked them. And we ate them. And they were awesome. Especially with a little whipped cream. We wound up just putting it on top, it's really the most efficient way to do it. Ok, I promise now, no more biscuit cups. Until I do the peanut butter and chocolate ones.


  1. These look fantastic! Like little mini-pies.
    I don't know what your other biscuit cup posts were(or if you are looking for ideas...), but I made them one time with BBQ pulled pork baked in them.

  2. I remember these. Because I remember thinking. I really hope Bob posts the chocolate and peanut butter ones!

  3. oo i havent heard of buscuit cups before. this just looks really easy and very good :) and very good for my thighs ayees lol

  4. I like the biscuit cups…brilliant idea! I look forward to the chocolate and peanut butter ones too.

  5. Wow, looks really good and very easy to make. Good job. And you're right, I don't think I can ignore the bacon part! And the whipped cream just tops it all off :D It's got to be my favorite part, haha. :-) Thanks for sharing! very fun to eat and make for sure


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