Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday Cats #49

Noodles is enjoying the copious spring sunshine. The real Bob is enjoying her not sleeping in the box. Heh, if she catches him she'll make him pay though.


  1. So Bob is the boss of the house....cute Noddles

  2. Someone wasn't taught how to share in cat preschool, I see :P

  3. I hope you all have a Happy Easter!

  4. I love it how flexible cats are. I'm always amazed at the places they can squeeze themselves into.

    Happy Easter!!

  5. I am still a firm believer that Noodles and Moon would be a perfect match. They sound so much alike - it would be kind of fun to see them duke it out for the 'boss of the house' title.

  6. Cats love boxes and the sun. Cute photos!!

  7. Hope you had a great Easter. Noodles is darling!


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