Friday, February 26, 2010

Spicy Veggie Stuffed Crust White Pizza

Stuffed crust pizza: have you had it? I hadn't until yesterday. Turns out it's wicked good. I decided to do it on a whim while I was figuring out what to make for lunch and it came out quite well. Next time I'm going to put a little more stuff in there, maybe some herbs or bacon, something like that. For some reason I had it in my head that it would be difficult to do, but really it was pretty easy. I even have instructions for once.

Just roll out your dough (here is the recipe I use) and put some cheese or whatever all around the rim. Then fold the dough over and press it firmly. Repeat until the whole edge is crimped around the filling. Now you just treat it like pizza. I made a white one with some olive oil, crushed black pepper, red pepper flakes and fresh basil. And some mozzarella, broccoli, red onion and garlic. And it worked out very well. I had two big fears making this. One was that the cheese would just come out of the crust, making all the work pointless. The other was that the crust would fill up with molten grease, searing my flesh and making me wonder why oh why I had ever made such a thing (I've heard that was a major complaint against a certain chain pizza place who does this). Neither of these things happened. I think that's because I didn't over-stuff it or use something that makes a huge amount of grease like, say, pepperoni. Of course, now I want to do it with pepperoni. And I will. But I have a plan and I think it will work. I'll get back to you guys about that.

So do you do this? If so, what do you stuff it with? If not, what would you stuff it with?


  1. Please. Don't ever ever ever compare this beautiful homemade pizza. With that OTHER chain. Of which we shall not speak.

    I love stuffed crust pizza (who doesn't love more cheese?) but never thought it would be this easy to do! Looks amazing.

  2. I'm with you about adding bacon and herbs :)

  3. This is such a picture-perfect pizza! I've never made stuffed crust either. I think I'd go with cheese like you did!

  4. That is some seriously yummy looking pie! Since I got my first dough recipe from you, it looks very similar to mine. Tonight is pizza night---I'll have to give the cheese stuffing a try.

  5. YUMMY... love the white pizza and who knew that was all a stuffed pizza was... makes sense, but you are right, i thought it would be harder

  6. Nicely done! This is one fantastic looking pizza.

  7. Crazy. I never thought to do stuffed crust pizza at home -- but I'll bet this was fabulous. I like that bacon idea... and I'll bet Peef would too!

  8. somedays I like it greasy and somedays I don't. but yep, experiment away my friend!

  9. Looks professional! I want a piece, I mean whole pie, right now.

  10. What a wonderful slice of pizza. Seriously, a killer! I know in Naples they stuff the rim with ricotta cheese. I've never tried.

  11. You've made calzones before, I remember drooling over them. I would think the pepperoni stuffed crust would be like that. I can't wait to see your end result. Your crust looks amazing and light and crispy.

  12. This looks unbelievably good. The pizza is picture perfect. I love white pizza and wish I were close enough to steal a slice. Have a great day...Mary

  13. BTW: My hubby completely agrees with you that my That'll put hair on your chest condiment would go good with eggs. Great idea.

  14. I've never had stuffed crust pizza. I have enough difficulty giving myself permission to eat traditional pizza. However...if I did, I think I'd follow your lead and just try a small amount of cheese (maybe some that had been marinated in olive oil and herbs).

  15. I've never tried stuffed crust pizza for the same reason. That does look pretty easy. I might try this next week when we have pizza.

  16. I love a good veggie pizza. I haven't tried stuffing the crust yet. I shall try that next time. I'll probably put a bunch of cheese in it.

  17. White pizza is my all-time favorite and yours looks spectacular with the stuffed crust and broccoli! I love it!

  18. But...seared flesh is usually worth the pain when you're eating delicious molten cheese! Mmmmm!!!

  19. I've seen this done with string cheese but not regular cheese. it looks fantastic even without meat!

  20. Wonderful!
    I make pizza every week for my son (and us) in fact I have to get started on the dough in a minute or two - I am definitely doing this!
    I'll let you know how it turns out. :)

  21. what a stellar creation! i actually always loved the grease-ridden stuffed crust pizza from the-chain-that-shall-not-be-named...then my metabolism slowed down. :)
    nicely done!

  22. Fabulous pizza! Saw it at 2 pm on tastespotting and started it at 3:30 and just finished cleaning up at 7 :) DELICIOUS!!! Never heard of rolling mozzarella around the crust but it is a winner. I knocked mine down 4 times and doubled the recipe so I had a crust for another day. I made half with homemade pesto and fresh mozzarella and the other side with sauted fresh garlic, olive oil and a very dry ricotta with mozzarella on top. THANK YOU for a great new recipe that I will use again and again.

  23. Thanks everyone!

    Rose: That's awesome, I'm glad you liked it! :D

  24. I made pizza last night using a crust recipe almost identical to yours. But your pizza sure looks better than mine did! Mine tasted good, but looked like a mutt. Your pizza and photos are gorgeous.

  25. I must try your way of rolling the dough to make my pizza next time! Bravo!

  26. LOL, I'm glad no flesh was seared in the making of this pizza. Beautiful photos! I love the ingredients for this pizza.

  27. That pizza does look wicked.... I realy like the idea of using cheese around the rim and then folding over the dough edges. That is something I am going to remember.

  28. Never made a stuffed crust... why, I'm not sure :O This looks great - I'll give it a try next time I make pizza.

  29. Hi Bob, I make pizza crust all the time. I have a real simple and fast recipe (well, fast in the realm of yeast breads), but I never realized how easy it is to stuff the crust. Thank you for this! Oh, and your pizza looks delicious. A bit healthful too for a pizza.

  30. ooooooooooooooo.MY.GOSH.


  31. Blimey!! Was just wondering how stuffed crusts worked the other day - now I know! Looks gorgeous, and loved Dajana's idea re ricotta cheese too. Must try. Thanks!

  32. This is the third pizza recipe I've come across today!
    Your pizza looks scrumptious Bob! I want to reach into my screen and a take a slice!

  33. Nice!!!! I've been waiting for this post since I saw your tease pic on Twitter.

    I gotta laugh at this part..."the crust would fill up with molten grease, searing my flesh"

  34. You deserve major kudos for singlehandedly rehabilitating the reputation for stuffed crust pizza! This is the perfect combo of healthy veg and indulgent cheesy goodness. I'll take a slice, please!

  35. Your dough rolling skills are really good! My pizzas always look weird and I can never get it so thin. I always end up with raw crust dough... not a good combination.

  36. Great demo and step by step photos where really helpful. I have never tried making stuffed crust pizza. This is going to be a new experience. Kids will definitely love it.

  37. Now that is one great looking pizza - beautiful shots!

  38. I have never tried a stuffed crust pizza but love that it looks so easy! Totally delicious - mind posting a slice ? ;)

  39. Now that's the perfect slice of pizza! I've never made stuffed crust pizza, but should definitely try it because cheese makes everything better :)

  40. You are totally my Pizza Hero now! LOL I would never have even thought to try this... Now hurry up and toss a couple slices this way... ;)

  41. who would've thought that it would be so easy (obviously not me)...i wanna do that!! and you know what? bacon would be awesome in there!

  42. Hey bob! Just wanted to stop by and check out your blog! I see this stuffed pizza and it looks amazing! I use to get the stuffed crust pizza from that "chain" years ago when I was in High School. Years later I realized wow that was so not healthy but oh so good! Making it at home you can at least control the amount of ingredients being used which is nice. I think the veggies add a nice touch! Now I want pizza. lol

  43. The pizza looks amazing, especially with all of those colors. I would probably try to stuff the crust with a surprise ingredient. Pesto or bleu cheese or bits of spicy sausage mixed with the cheese.

  44. You do make it look so easy! And so very delicious! I know what I'm making for dinner tomorrow.

  45. What a brilliant idea! Your pizza looks delicious!


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