Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Cats

Noodles likes my comfy chair. I mean she really likes it. Really. Seriously.Likes it.She'll sit there for hours, watching... the wall of the building next door.I almost never get to sit in that chair anymore.


  1. Noodles is very pretty and I think she knows it and she knows it can make her get away with anything. I read a few earlier posts about the cats. Made me smile.

  2. I love that your cat is named Noodles. I feel an immediate connection with her because of that.

  3. OMG Bob you have to check this out:

  4. I think it's clear that that's no longer your chair.

  5. You'll be sitting on the pillows from now on... That's her chaor

  6. Bob, your cats are a riot. What do they look at all day? Mine did the same thing.

    I have a question for you, Bob. Can you email me at Kate(underscore)and(underscore)DanATyahooDOTcom? Thanks.

  7. Looks like her mouth has healed up just fine, huh? She seems happy. The way it should be...

    You should have claimed "place-backs" a looooong time ago, dude. Your fault.

  8. I love your Sunday posts. Noodles is soooo fluffy and cute.

  9. What a snuggly little spot Noodles found!

  10. I don't think there is a doubt that Noodles loves your chair...You know what they say dogs have masters and cats have staff (smile).

  11. She really, really likes your chair. Ah, Noodles!

  12. Noodles is way too pretty and she has taken over that chair!

    Shadow my pretty kitty, has her own chair she likes, in front of the fireplace, to keep warm!

    Cats have a way of ruling our lives.

  13. I've been sneaking a peek at your lovely kittens! I adore big fluffy cats. Unfortunately they make me sneeze my head off but that doesn't exactly stop me from ever wanting to cuddle with them.


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Thanks for all your comments. I try to answer any questions I'm asked, but if I miss yours feel free to email me.