Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Cats and the Winners!

First, the winners of the Deans dips. They are...

Dawn from Vanilla Sugar and Gwen from Tested, Tried and (almost always) True! Woot! If you ladies would be so kind as to email your info to I'll have them get your stuff right out to you.

And since it's Sunday, I'll post some cat pics. Here is one where Noodles looks particularly fat. She really isn't as fat as she looks here. I mean, she's pretty fat, but not that fat.

So, I've lost my comfy chair to Noodles and the beanbag to the real Bob. He just sinks into it until you can barely see him. He also leaves fur all over it. All I have left is my desk chair and who knows how long that will last?

And I'd like to thank everyone for all the well wishes! I'm feeling much better now, probably won't be having ramen again for a while. Heh.


  1. sad to say, and it is a competition i wish i wasn't winning, but my cat IS that fat

  2. noodles does look a little on the plump side! haha. You should see my desk chair...covered in hair. my cats "own" everything comfy. you probably already know this...but just in case...quick, easy way to remove hair....wipe the chair, beanbag, couch, whatever, with a damp cloth.

  3. I won some dip! I won some dip! :::doing happy dance::: thanks man!

  4. oh my, I must have missed something...

    I'm glad you're feeling better...

    I'm not making it around as much as I'd like...

    altho sometimes I'm just silent but around

  5. When I saw the second pic before I read the last part of the post, I literally said "where's the cat?" hehe... congrats to the winners.

  6. Congrats winners!

    I say the same thing about myself in pictures...I'm not that fat.... :)

  7. Yeah she looks like she needs a girddle...he-he.

  8. HA HA HA... I was bummed I couldn't post a comment on your Ramen, cause I was a littel late to the party... You seriously rocked the Ramen dude!

    Congratulations to the winners!!! :)

  9. LOL...I can't help but just laughing at Noodles....

  10. Noodles looks like she could sweep the floor with her fur when she walks! That's a cool picture.

  11. It's all fur, really. 8-) That desk chair may start feeling a little cramped; will the cats at least share?


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Thanks for all your comments. I try to answer any questions I'm asked, but if I miss yours feel free to email me.