Monday, January 25, 2010

Five Minute Cake In A Mug

I bet you've all gotten that email that starts like this:

Or some variation thereof. My sister sent it to me awhile ago, but I hadn't gotten around to making it. Then I got this new mug. Seemed appropriate. Heh. Thanks JennDZ! But how was it? Well, I didn't really do it right. See, the Foodie Blogroll mug that I won isn't quite the right size for the recipe, so I mixed it up in another mug and then filled the FBr one halfway. It worked out fine except I should have taken it out a bit sooner. Flavor-wise it was pretty good, for microwaved cake. A little whipped cream helped. It does make kind of a mess out of the mug, but whatever. Next time I make it I'll leave out the chocolate chips, they all just sank to the bottom and formed a goopy layer. And there will be a next time. Probably fairly soon.

Here's the whole recipe, just in case anyone hasn't seen it.

4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (microwave safe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well..
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).


  1. Love this cake, great for a quick warm snack. I have also made it using white chocolate chips also soked a few dried cherries for a few min and added them to the batter.

  2. Yes I got the email too, but never got around to making them. You make the recipe looks delish!

  3. If it makes a mess that means it's good especially if it involves chocolate.

  4. You are a very brave man.... I just can't do it... Microwave cake truly frightens me.

  5. I am very sure that this mug chocolate cake tastes darn good.

  6. Mmm I've always wanted to try this!

  7. It took me two tries I think to get this just right. It looks great in a Foodie Blogroll mug!

  8. no way! i can bake a cake in a mug, in a microwave?!!! this is so me! =) will definitely have to give this a try!

  9. Simple, quick, uncomplicated. How irresistible!

  10. Interesting! If only we had a microwave.

  11. I saw this the other day and had an intense craving for chocolate cake. I had to basically restrain myself so I wouldn't go into the kitchen and make it!

  12. Fengate: Ooo, soaked cherries would be great there. Especially soaked in bourbon...

    noobcook: Thanks! You should try it, it's pretty good.

    Jenn: So true.

    Culinary Alchemist: Heh, I'm used to it, my girlfriend is nuts for microwaved stuff. She buys those "warm delights" all the time. They actually aren't that bad, frighteningly enough. I mean, they aren't great, but it fills a need.

    Angie: Heh, thanks.

    Year on the Grill: You totally should. Heh, it would be good with some cayenne.

    Meghan: Do!

    MrsLavendula: Why do I have a feeling I've just caused some damage. ;)

    Elra: Pretty much.

    Hungry Dog: I didn't have one for years, myself. My girlfriend needs one though.

    Joanne: Why restrain yourself? I say do it! :D

  13. What a neat way to bake a cake!

  14. This is my daughter's favorite activity when she has her friends over...and they think we are so cool! I actually think it's because they can eat so much cake, and I always put out frostings, sprinkles, etc.

  15. I’m a big fan of this recipe, too. In fact, I’m also the author of “101 Recipes for Microwave Mug Cakes” that builds on this recipe (but, hopefully, adds some ideas and baking tips for those who love microwave mug cakes as much as I do). Check it out at

  16. I've seen that recipe but haven't tried it. I bet the kids would love making it

  17. I've never made chocolate cake in the microwave but the concept seems very cool!

  18. Ok, freaky or what but I actually got that e-mail from my sister this morning! I kid you not! Fabulous! And she wrote that it makes enough for 2 or 1 for us little piggies. Now I really have to make it!

  19. This is hilarious!! Hadn't seen it before, thanks so much for sharing - it must be done!

  20. I've gotten the email before but never tried it or knew anyone who tried it. I admit I was a little scared...but after seeing your pics...I am now tempted! ;-) I am just imaging it with some ice cream on top, melting slowly, creating a warm gooey mess...mmmmm!

  21. Oh I love it! I have never tried a cake in a mug before. Thanks for the recipe!

  22. This is sooooo cool, Bob! I love that you used the mug! Thanks so much for the shout out! :)

  23. I've also tried it a while ago. It's a fun thing to do, specially if you have a fun mug ;)

  24. Mug cakes are great when your sweet tooth is bugging you! Did you like it?

  25. Oh, I've seen it and I've been meaning to make it. But what will likely happen is that if I take out all the necessary ingredients, I may end up making a full-size cake instead! 8-P

    Is it weird to admit that I love getting mugs of any kind? Want a Foodie Blogroll one, too!

  26. haha, I got that e-mail too, but the idea of it in a mug, was well... I didn't trust it.

    I love the idea and I might now need to give it a go!

  27. Love the idea of this - would satisfy any emergency cake cravings, right? Genius idea :)

  28. I've made this cake before and it is wonderful. I just wish you could somehow suspend the chocolate chips throughout the batter.

  29. I made this once, great for a quick fix!

  30. This quick fix never fails to amaze. It's amazing we haven't made it yet too.


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