Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Product Review: Nature's Pride Bread

It's been some time since I've done a review, hasn't it? Of course, it's been some time since I've gotten any free stuff to review. Heh. But then the delightful folks over at Foodbuzz offered to send me some Nature's Pride bread and since I love bread (and free stuff) I said yes. I was expecting coupons, like you get for a lot of these offers, but I actually got two loaves in the mail! How awesome is that? They sent me a 100% whole wheat and a 12 grain. Here's a shot of the 12 grain I've already eaten the other loaf so you don't get to see that one. So. I haven't tried the 12 grain yet, but the whole wheat is really good. Soft, but not squishy and with a good, deep flavor. To take it for a test run I made one of my favorite sandwiches: Turkey, salami, honey mustard and cheese (sharp cheddar this time). I tossed some lettuce on there too, since we had some. The bread stood up to the strong flavors just fine, without being distracting and didn't instantly adsorb all the honey mustard and get soggy. Which is good. Final verdict? I would totally buy this, as long as it's not ridiculously expensive.


  1. Fedex has tried to deliver our loaves 3 times so far, but no success yet. Hope to give it a taste before it goes stale!

  2. What lovely sandwiches! I find specialty breads cost a LOT, but here's hoping these ones aren't expensive.

  3. I love good bread... would rather pay for an excellent loaf than get stuff that has no taste or texture.

  4. I love this bread! So healthy and so yummy!

  5. Duo: That's rough. They just left it out for me, which is weird since they usually won't...

    Palidor: Me too, because I liked them. But I don't have tons of bucks to spend on bread.

    Karen: I agree completely. Which is why I don't wind up buying a lot of bread, I can't afford the kind I like. Heh.

    Reeni: That was the other thing I liked about it, it is pretty healthy. If a bit calorie intensive. ;)

  6. I never get any free stuff :((
    Lovely review, I bet the sammy tasted great.

  7. How many grams of fiber per slice...that's what I always check out first!!

  8. Looks tasty! It's 2:30pm here and I haven't had lunch yet - spare half a sammie? ;-)

  9. Yum! I have been seeing some killer sammies going around with this exception here :D

  10. Free stuff is awesome! That sandwich doesn't look too bad either :)

  11. I've never gotten anything from FB, and yes, I am signed up to do so! Grrr! I guess it's because I'm in Canada. Discrimination!

  12. I wish my sandwiches could look so neat and tidy. Things always end up falling out!


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