Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Cats

It's a sleepy kind of day.This is my plan, what's yours?


  1. Nice! I love the spot the top cat chose! They truly will sleep anywhere, won't they?

  2. Nice! Enjoy your sleepy sunday. MMe and my dog plan to have a similar day.

  3. gym then catch up with my blogs then work argh.

  4. thats what my cats are doing too

  5. Yummy food and Sunday cats...2 ingredients that make perfect blog. :-)

  6. Awwww, my cats do the same thing! Some days I wish I could be a cat!

  7. Wandering Coyote: Yeah, Noodles is a pro at sleeping in weird spots.

    Hungry Dog: Nice. :)

    Sarah: Bummer, hope it's not too bad!

    Danielle: Heh.

    noble pig: I'll take my day :)

    VetTech: Thanks!

    Palidor: Many days I wish I could be a cat. Heh.

  8. A day in a cat's life. They have it so rough!

  9. Bob,
    I love your Sunday cats!
    We had to put our little Shasta down last week (you may have read the post), and we really miss her.
    Thanks for cheering me up with your puddy cats!!!

  10. I need a nap...already! (Would they like to play with a 160-pound leonberger?)

  11. Reeni: I know, right? Especially when my girlfriend brings them treats wherever they happen to be lounging.

    Donna: It worked out perfectly. ;)

    Stacey: I missed that post, I'm so sorry! Glad I could cheered you a bit.

    unconfidentialcook: Noodles might. :D

  12. Who doesn't love snoozy kitties!!


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