Friday, July 31, 2009

Strawberry S'moreos

I saw these last month over at Cakespy and I knew I had to make them. It just had to happen. I was expecting something delicious, but damn. Damn, people. These things are needlessly good. If you survive the sugar rush you will never be the same again. My girlfriend had bought s'mores fixings during the last big grocery store run, which we promptly forgot about. Then she came home with some strawberry Oreos a couple days ago. The gears in my head started turning and today I remembered s'moreos. So I made them.

First things first, pop open an Oreo (or you can just use two) and put a sqaure of chocolate in there. Like I said, these are strawberry flavored. They are spectacular, by the way, they taste kind of like Frankenberry cereal. I had never seen them before, I think they'e one of those Limited Edition things that companies like to torture us with. Anyway, next up is a hot marshmallow. Ah, city living. Yeah, I toasted it over my stove. It works and you get the toasty bits that you just don't get in the microwave. Then it's just a matter of dropping the hot ball of sugary goo onto the cookie and putting it back together. Squish.
And eat.If you don't already have plans to go out and get the stuff you need to make these then I'm going to have to assume you're a robot.


  1. Boy, do those look good! Those simple little things really work! I can't wait to show this to my daughter.

  2. Oh dear, how can I resist this? It is too good to be ignore!

  3. Wow, those s'mores look insanely good! The strawberry flavor sounds delicious, can't wait to try these little treats!

  4. Holy. I need this. I can take the rush.

  5. Haha that is awesome. Nothing like urban s'mores (or S'moreos:)

  6. Next time we make 'em we are doing them this way!

  7. Where'd you find strawberry Oreos?! Never seen them before. Lordy, this would be good.

  8. unconfidentialcook: Let me know how she likes them. :)

    Elra: Heh, I completely agree.

    5 Star Foodie: Thanks!

    noble pig: I bet you can. Heh.

    Chef Fresco: Thanks!

    Donna: Nice.

    Duo: I think my girlfriend found them at the local grocery store.

  9. Awwwwwww Yeeeeaaaahhh!! I'm trying it!

  10. What an adorable idea! I'll have to try this sometime soon.

    But really, Frankenberry? I must go buy that tomorrow. SO GOOD!!!

  11. oooh eeeem geeeee!!! holy crap! they have strawberry oreos???? Oh man. I've been completely avoiding the cookie isle at the store (very successfully) and you had to go and ruin it! LOL. chocolate .... strawberries ... .toasted marshmallows...I'm a gonner!

  12. Aren't these the best invention ever? I made them too on a recent camping trip and just loved them. My family, however, are real traditionalists and still insisted on making the ones with graham crackers. They have no idea what they are missing out on!

  13. WOW what a killer idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. OMG that's one very sinful cokie!! yum yum yum!

  15. there is no way in hell I'm making these....dangerous, very dangerlous

  16. damn, damn, where are my shoes? I'm going to the store right now!!!

  17. What a yummy treat! How creative!

  18. So cute and dainty! I've never seen strawberry filling oreo before, I wish we had it here!

  19. I love those Strawberry Oreos!! I bet it would be good as a S'more...hmmm maybe I should try the Peanut Butter Oreo! YUM!

  20. OH MY GOODNESS! That is heavenly!

  21. going to be making these ASAP!!!! Well, as soon as Lent is over anyways...


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