Monday, August 31, 2009

Cheesy Pasta Scramble

I'm guessing we all do it. We see a post about something that looks wicked good.And think "Zomg. I'm making that right now, as I'm reading about it, somehow." Sometimes you even leave a comment to that effect. Then you go to the next blog and think "I can't possibly live another moment without that! Where do I sign up to get it hooked directly to my bloodstream?" And so on. You get so many recipes that you can't possibly make them all with any kind of rapidity. Sometimes though, it just has to happen and you make the dish as soon as you can. That's what happened to me with this post by Jenn over at Bread + Butter. I made it the next morning within minutes of getting up. I mean, c'mon. How can you resist?

I made it pretty much the same as she did, with only a few tweeks. First I cooked about a quarter of a box of pasta. Then I heated up a skillet with some bacon grease (it was breakfast, after all) and poured it in. I let it sit for a bit to get some browned bits and then I added the egg mixture. This was two eggs, milk, fresh basil, fresh parsley, salt and pepper. Stirred it around till the egg was all cooked and there it is. Oh, except the cheese. I forgot to take pictures of that. I added some extra sharp cheddar, I love sharp cheddar with eggs. But it's in there, I assure you. So. Was it fantastic? Why yes it was, thanks for asking. I would eat it again like this with a smile on my face. But. Next time I'm going to change a couple things. I think I'm going to cook them over a lower heat to see if the egg coats the pasta more. And add more cheese. Maybe some garlic, but maybe not. It might not work as well with it as without.


  1. Who knew that pasta and scrambled eggs would be so awesome together, right? Nice touch on the milk and cheese. I think I may have to make myself some this week.

  2. I'm going to try this --Jenn's great.

  3. You hit the nail on the head with your descriptions of blog food. I want all of it too...including this!

  4. Who'da thunk it? Eggs and pasta. But that's what's in carbonara, no? Ok, a little different, but now I'm wondering what this would be like with a little bacon crumbled in it. Oh, man, now you've got me going...

    Do you put oil in your pasta water? If you do, that may be what's keeping the eggs from sticking to the pasta. If not, maybe it's just too early in the day for the pasta to feel friendly towards the eggs....

    Thanks for posting this.

  5. I was thinking how good and different that looked when I saw it at Jenn's place...thanks for the reminder. Wish I had some pasta already cooked!

  6. What a quick delicious cheesy pasta.

  7. Yeah, I do that too! I see soooo many new dishes that I want to try that it's hard to choose which one to do first! Great looking dish! That would make for a very hearty breakfast.

  8. Okay...I just went and made this for breakfast...f'in amazing :D

  9. I thought of carbonara right away too...but this idea can be used in all sorts of variations and I'd never thought of using eggs in pasta outside of carbonara...

    this opens up a whole new world.


  10. No joke! I have soooo many things bookmarked to try.

    And eggs with pasta?? Never would have thought about that one! I might have to go whip some up! (or just bookmark it to try ;)

  11. I was just looking up a recipe for a Carbonara pasta last night...this one sounds even better! Except there's no BACON in your recipe. What the heck is wrong with you?!!! Who ARE you, and what have you done with Bob?!!!!

  12. Scrambled eggs & pasta & cheese sound wonderful, awesome dish!

  13. Jenn: I know! It's so simple but so frigging good.

    Sarah Alaoui: You should and I agree. :)

    noble pig: Heh, it's a cruel thing we do to ourselves, isn't it?

    Kate: Bacon would, of course, make it better. I don't oil my water, I'm pretty sure it's that the heat was too high so the eggs cooked too fast. You're welcome. ;)

    girlichef: Awesome! Told you so. :D

    Lone Acorn: Thanks!

    Palidor: Thanks! Yeah, it's a problem. Sort of. Heh.

    monicajane: Thanks! I still haven't made carbonara, I really need to, it's so good.

    Sara: No, try it fast! This is one you don't want to forget. ;)

    Goldie: Hey, it's not my fault! I was out of bacon, otherwise it definitely would have been in there. :)

    5 Star Foodie: Thanks!

  14. Mmmm.
    This reminds me of a breakfast dish I ate at a local cafe. It was fried macaroni & cheese with scrambled eggs. The mac and cheese crisped up nicely -- which was an added bonus.

  15. I never would have thought to combine pasta and scrambled eggs! It looks sooo good!

  16. Almost every blog post I look at makes me want to cook whatever is featured. I guess I'm very impressionable. And hungry. The cheesy pasta looks good, even with eggs, which I usually don't like. See? Impressionable.

  17. that really does look good! I'll bet my daughter would love it...and she'd add mushrooms and tomatoes and jalapenos and garlic and bell pepper.

    I'm hungry

  18. This one did sound really cool. Eggs and pasta in one! Your leader pic is great by the way.

  19. A friend of mine taught me a similar dish that her family calls Noodles, Eggs, and Onions. It's ... exactly what it sounds like. Now I want to jazz it up with some cheese and herbs! I highly recommend adding some onions to this, it's fantastic.

  20. Mmmm, what a great breakfast. My daughter might speak nicely to me if I make this for her!

  21. Lo: That sounds wicked good. Love the idea of fried mac and cheese.

    Carrie: Me neither, heh. Thanks!

    Hungry Dog: Thanks, I'm pretty impressionable too. "You say it's the best? Well, onto The List it goes..." Heh.

    Danielle: Thanks! All kinds of add in would be great. I think some finely diced peppers and onions would be perfect. And bacon. Of course.

    Duo: Thanks and thanks. :)

    Elizabeth: Next time I definitely will.

    unconfidentialcook: And if she doesn't at least you still had a good breakfast. ;)

  22. EVERYTHING is better with bacon grease!!!!

  23. This looked delicious on Jenn's site and it looks the same here! I'll be trying it too!

  24. Love the egg mixture. This is a nice and easy pasta :)

  25. Hmmm, sounds pretty cheesy here (in a good way) of course!

  26. yummm!!! cheese and pasta one of my fav combo in this whole world :)

  27. Wow! I love the looks of it. It is kind of like a cheater's carbonara, come to think of it...

  28. You so described me and blog reading! I seriously have collected more recipes than I can possibly make but I'm convinced that each one will one day be cooked! I can see why this one stuck with you - I'm craving some cheesy pasta scramble myself now. Definitely more cheese - more cheese is never a bad thing!

  29. My mom has been making this for years and I never thought anything of it. But now, come to think of it, it's a great idea.

    Looks delicious.

    Nice blog ; )


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