Sunday, May 24, 2009

Roast Beef Sandwich

Yeah, I know. Another brief, non recipe post. But today, possibly as you're reading this, I'm making another roast beef so I can do a good post on it. And something else. Something much more... else. And it's going to be thrilling, I promise.

But the sandwich was good. I don't remember exactly what I put on this particular one, but I like just a little mayo and some kind of green leafy thing on roast beef sandwiches. I usually don't mess around too much with it, especially when it's really good stuff like this. My girlfriend puts mayo and pickles. What do you put on roast beef sandwiches?


  1. I love horseradish on a roast beef. Oh yes...that looks wonderful!

  2. I put horseradish sauce on my roast beef sandwiches, and someimes melted swiss or provolone!!

  3. Oh I looooove me some smoked provalone or an applewood cheddar. Now of course, I'll have to be adding Shane's homemade mayo. Yummmmmmm Can't wait!

  4. oh my gosh Bob what don't I put on a perfect roast beef sammie? fav's are horsey sauce and corn relish.

  5. Looks pretty good to me! I don't like mustard or horseradish, so mayo would be perfect in my books.

  6. Lots of mayo, cheese, onions and lettuce, mmmmmmmmmm!!!!

  7. Gorgeous sammie...and I don't know, it depends on what I have I guess, but this looks perfect as is.

  8. i love mayo...some lettuce and maybe a piece of american cheese. I don't usually eat american cheese but I use to go to a deli when I was a teen and thats what they put on my roast beef (at the time when I had the choice, I didn't know what provolone was and I didn't like swiss so I chose the one I recognized LOL).

  9. I SO totally need to have this for lunch!!!

    I'm a Horseradish and Brown Mustard kind of guy...
    Although, Wasabi Mayonnaise is pretty darn tasty too.

  10. Oh that looks delicious, I mean really delicious!

  11. There's this horseradish mayo on the market that would be great on this!

  12. Lots of horseradish fans. You know, I haven't tried horseradish since I was a kid...


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