Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Brief Hiatus

Yep, I'm taking a little break from blogging. It's not completely voluntary. You see, my camera has decided it doesn't need to work right most of the time anymore. I made a roast and chocolate monkey bread yesterday and didn't get a single picture that I could use. There is definitely something wrong with the little device and it just needs to go. So I figure if I'm going to get a new one I should really just get a good one. I'm not going to go nuts, but a little money saving time is going to be needed. I've been wanting to do a little remodeling around here too. I don't think I'll be gone long, probably just a week or two.


  1. Well, I shall miss you. Good luck finding a new camera!

  2. *pout* Well okay, but just don't make it too long! ;-)

  3. Dude! Terribly sorry about your camera... I am Jonesin already...

  4. I will be missing your posts.. see you back soon!

  5. We will miss your posts!

  6. Good luck finding a new camera. If you find out anything interesting in your search let me know. I will be needing a good one too. I want a big girl camera. lol

  7. Good luck with the search! Can't wait to see what you get =)

  8. :( Well, be prepared to make that monkey bread again, cuz I wanna see it! Seriously though...we'll be here waiting for ya!

  9. But you could post without photos and just tell us what's going on, right? I know photos really make a post great so you can see all the fabulaous food and see the cats.....

  10. Aren't you all sweet. :) I promise not to take too long, I'm hopefully ordering the new camera today. I just need to get some advice from my sister in law, she knows cameras.

  11. Yeah...if you have to............

  12. get 'er done Bob, and hurry back!

  13. Have fun! You deserve a break - it's a cracking pace you maintain, don't know how you do it! But we'll miss you (and the cats)!

  14. come back soon! and I hope u find a really good camera :)

  15. That's too bad! We know it's a bummer, but when you come back, you'll be all fancy with the new stuff. :)

  16. I've also been scarce lately from the blogosphere, a situation that will remain for another couple of weeks. Take a break, re-group, refresh and we'll be waiting patiently!

  17. Can't wait for you to get back! I just found your blog, and it's absolutely fantastic. I'm loving all of your previous posts and am looking forward to reading new ones upon your return!

  18. Sorry about the camera... Hope you come back soon, we'll be here waiting with our mouths and eyes wide open!

  19. well enjoy your time off.
    and if it helps any, my little camera is Canon powershot; the one with 10x zoom. not too expensive (around $200) and takes amazing photos. in my opinion, it doesn't matter what camera you have, it's all in the lighting.


Ok, let's have a good clean chat. Keep it above the belt, no trolling, spamming or harassing other commenters. Don't make me moderate here people.

Thanks for all your comments. I try to answer any questions I'm asked, but if I miss yours feel free to email me.