Now the award. Tamilyn from Butter My Kitchen has given me the Honest Scrap Award.

Now, I'm supposed to list ten honest things about myself and then pass it along. So... ten honest things, huh? Hm, all right. Bear in mind, they'll be honest, but that doesn't mean they won't be totally random.
1: I play a lot of video games. I like old school Nintendo RPGs the most.
2: I've never had spaghetti squash. At least, not that I know of.
3: I've seen every Friday the 13th movie ever made. The first one is a classic, the rest are just hilarious.
4: I love Legos. My dream job would be designing and testing new sets. I don't know if that job actually exists, but hey.
5: While I'm dreaming, I want a giraffe too. They are just so cool.
6: Since we're talking about animals, I like wildlife documentaries. I like them enough that I actually own a couple boxed sets of Nature.
7: I don't watch much TV at all. I watch cooking shows and documentaries on PBS and sometimes the Simpsons and Family Guy. Although I haven't been pleased with the last couple seasons of the Simpsons or this one of FG. But that could be a post by itself...
8: I hate movie remakes, especially if the first one was really good.
9: I'm terrible at finishing things.
I'm going to pass it along to:
Reeni, from Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice. She's has a great blog and makes all kinds of mad good stuff. She also has a cat who I want some of the honest things to be about. Hint hint. Heh.
Next, Emily over at Sugar Plum. She's a superstar, having been on Ultimate Recipe Showdown on Food Network. But she doesn't let it go to her head, she's still whipping up tasty stuff to share with everyone. Virtually share, unfortunately.
Last but not least, Karen at Karen Cooks. Bacon wrapped venison tenderloin. Yeah. That's enough by itself, but she also takes great pictures.
Now the wine review. I liked this one and am going to be getting more soon to do something cool with. I'm still a little vague on the details, but it's going to involve berries.
Name:Red Electra
Year: 2006

Short intro from the wine maker about the wine: Red Electra is easy (only 5% alcohol). It's a party wine with a zippy taste. Like a handful of freshly picked summer berries, it is sweet, succulent, luscious and lively. Red Electra is fun.
Review: Despite the fact that the maker's intro sounds like it was translated into English from Japanese, it's one of the most accurate intros I've come across. It smells like lavender and fruit and tastes like strawberries and honey. Where was this wine when I was a teenager? It's almost like a wine cooler, but better. Very sweet, but not as cloying as the Riesling I had. It's got this weird slightly fizzy thing that I'm not sure if I like or not. My girlfriend actually liked it, mostly because it's practically soda.
Would you buy again?: Yes, I have plans for it.
Wine Pairing Ideas/Recipes: Dessert. Things with berries like shortcakes, tarts or cobbler (whew, there's a post screaming for new pictures). Anything with a strong vanilla taste would go well, like yellow cake or rice pudding. I think coffee cake would be good too. It went well with Dove milk chocolate, but wasn't spectacular. I would go for fruit and berries (maybe melon? I'm not a big melon fan.) over chocolate with it.