Sunday, June 26, 2011

Unplanned Silence

Sorry I've been so distant lately. It's not you, it's me. It's not that I've found something new, it's just.... Well, it's the fact that the computer that has all my pictures on it is in another town and I can't find my frigging camera. Plus I haven't been doing much cooking lately, too busy trying to find an apartment and sort out all that big life change crap.

So, here is the only food picture I have on my brothers computer. It's a turkey, ham, coleslaw and potato chip sandwich on wheat. It was wicked good, really, although I should have toasted the bread. Actually, the coleslaw is the best, I'll have to do a post on it when I find my camera.


  1. Love coldslaw on fish sandwiches and potato chips on baloney...just give it a try. Agreed, the bread needed toasting.

  2. I can totally sympathize! When hubs and I moved to the other side of the globe, I thought it'd be so easy to get back into the whole blogging thing. Instead, it's gotten worse - I'm managing only a few posts per month, and am staring at a single-post June! But more important things are happening - getting your home life in order is priority. Hope all is well!

  3. Cole slaw on bbq sandwiches rocks too. Just in case you were wondering! :)

  4. Hang in there dude. Take your time and get back when you can.


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Thanks for all your comments. I try to answer any questions I'm asked, but if I miss yours feel free to email me.