Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Cats #72

The real Bob is a big baby. Need proof? Ok, here. He loves it. Noodles, on the other hand, thinks she's a princess. Need proof of that? Well, why else would she sit there like this?I mean, really.


  1. awww. i wish my kitty like to snuggle more. you obviously have lap cats. throw a cat on for the winter. (ever hear that expression before?)

  2. That is soooo cute, i love it. My cat would never let me hold her that long, she hates being held!

  3. As cold as it is, Bob has the right idea.

  4. LOL...don't take this wrong, but it kinda looks like Noodles is standing next to a poll (the table leg, or whatever), with a spotlight on her... Where does she REALLY go at night?!!

  5. Bob,
    I always miss my kitty when I see your cats, they are so adorable! I love noodles!
    Happy Holidays,

  6. Boys are big babies! And girls are princesses. So cats are no different!!! lol
    Have a good holiday
    My cats is just drunk!


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