Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Cats #69

My keyboard is broken, mysteriously. Of course it does this right when I decide to start blogging again. So it's going to be a while before I can put up any food posts, but my girlfriends laptop has plenty of pictures of the cats on it. Here are a few.


  1. BOB!!!!! Welcome back--missed you!!!

    Great kitty photos; thanks for sharing. :)


  2. So glad that Sunday Cats is back! They look great!

  3. ya cats!! hope you get that keyboard fixed soon!

  4. Yaaaaay!!! Sunday Cats!!! Cats are so elegant, esp. that first shot...

  5. Attack of Domo!!! Glad to see you back

  6. I'm so happy to you see your back to blogging Bob!
    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Ok, let's have a good clean chat. Keep it above the belt, no trolling, spamming or harassing other commenters. Don't make me moderate here people.

Thanks for all your comments. I try to answer any questions I'm asked, but if I miss yours feel free to email me.