Friday, July 16, 2010

Pastrami Pizza

It's not even a little kosher, but damn is it good. When I was a teenager my best friend had a pizza shop near her house that put pastrami on pizza and we would get it all the time. It was awesome, thin strips of pastrami that got browned and crispy in the super hot pizza oven. Now that I'm making it myself I like to make sure each chunk of pastrami is a couple slices thick, because that way the top layer gets crispy and underneath it's still tender. Oh man, I think I need to make one this weekend, just thinking about it makes me want some!
Yeah, it's just going to have to happen. In fact, I encourage all of you to make one too, it's wicked good.


  1. I just might make one! I've been craving pizza for some time now.

  2. To hell with Kosher. That looks amazing.

  3. yes please. can i have a little bit of russian dressing for dipping too? lol

  4. omg! that is un-friggen-real!!!

  5. This is a really good alternative to pepperoni. I'll have to mention this to the hubs next time we do pizza. Love how nice and brown the cheese got too.

  6. Pastrami pizza, why didn't I think of that?


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