Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Steak House Doggy Bag Sandwich

I love old school steak houses. They don't screw around too much, you can always get a big ass steak, a potato and teeny tiny salad. What more could you want? My girlfriend and I live near one and go there every couple of months, it's a good time. But she never finishes everything, since her eyes are significantly bigger than her stomach. Which is fine by me because I usually get the leftovers. Heh. After our most recent visit there I decided to make a sandwich with what she couldn't eat and since it came out really well I thought I'd share.

What I did was I cut up the steak and sliced some peppers and onions (I should have sliced them more thinly, they would have cooked more. Live and learn). I wrapped it all up in foil and tossed it in a hot oven to heat up. At the same time I cut a couple leftover zucchini sticks (the real reason my girlfriend always wants to go to this one particular place) and tossed them in the oven to crisp up too. Rocket science, this is not. I toasted up a roll, piled everything on top and thought to myself:
"Self, this needs something more."

So I opened up the fridge and saw a jar of Alfredo sauce. Perfect.

So here's the hint for today: Mayo not enough? Would you rather saw off your own hand than use boring old mustard again? Try a cheese and cream based sauce on your sandwich! You'll be glad you did.


  1. Oh wow! What a great idea to use leftover steakhouse steak. I like it. I have never thought to use alfredo sauce instead of boring mustard or mayo. Thanks!

  2. I usually don't use boring old mustard either! I have a thing about sauces. I'm very into pesto mayo lately.

  3. Wow, you actually made leftover steak into a fabulous sandwich? Mine usually gets eaten for breakfast. Sometimes cold. Silverware optional! LOL!

    Nice job! Great ambition!

  4. the steak was probably better the next day - the sandwich looks great! Much better than my lunch today - a frozen meal.

  5. This is one seriously intense sandwich! A medley of fridge leftovers. Gotta love it.

  6. Wow that's one amazing looking sandwich.

  7. Great improvision! Looks like a really good sandwich (btw why is it called sandwich and not burger?hmm)I don't mind having leftovers like that in my fridge:D Cheese sauce sounds awesome!

  8. Oooooooh, zucchini-seriously, at first glance, I thought they were mozzerella sticks. Hmmmmm, might be on to something there.....

  9. Maybe it's just me, but that doggy bag sandwich looks outrageously big. SWEET!!!

  10. That looks incredible! I would go for those zucchini sticks too! The alfredo is a delicious idea.

  11. You totally rocked those leftovers Bob. My kids put Ranch Dressing on everything, but then they have simpler palettes.

    Wish you had a picture of taking a bite, because that is one huge sammy!

  12. good stuff! Funny thing....I'm gonna make steak sandwiches tonight :)

  13. What a good idea. Wish I had a leftover steak right now!

  14. The zukes on top are perfect! It's like adding french fries or potato chips to your burgers when you were younger (or even now). Never gets old!

  15. Alfredo sauce? Brilliant addition. I would not have thought of that.

  16. fact: you're a master at refashioning leftovers. also, we'd never work as a couple because i'm almost always a member of the clean plate club. :)


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