Friday, April 16, 2010

Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ok, I'm a bad blogger. I had a post all ready, albeit in my head, for these cookies. It was moderately witty, had an anecdote involving children and/or animals, the whole nine yards. But I forgot it. All of it. I don't even remember the anecdote and I was there when it happened!

But, I'm still going to post the cookie pictures. They were delicious after all, but they're just my go to recipe that I tossed some hazelnuts in.
That's why I had had the story and all the interesting stuff, because I don't have much to say about the cookies other than they're good.
Hm. Well, I should do something to entertain you all. I could dance, but you would ever know. Also me + dance = disaster. Same with singing, you guys don't want that, I assure you.

And since I'm going to go help a buddy move some furniture and tear up his carpet so he can install new flooring I don't have any time to think of something new and amusing. So that's it, I guess. Apparently the bullet point of my little speech here is hazelnut chocolate chip cookies are good and not writing things down is bad. Thank you for your time.


  1. I liked looking at your beautiful and delicious looking cookies, even if you didn't perform your dog and pony act for me.

  2. You are so funny. I often think of posts right before I'm about to go to bed. And then I promptly forget them. I should get one of those dream diaries but have it be a blog diary instead.

    Awesome cookies. Love hazelnut and chocolate!

  3. The cookies look delish!

  4. Where's the milk?? I'm totally on the same boat as you. I have a ton s fo anecdotes and whitty bander I can write up, but it comes to actually typing them up it goes *poof*.

    Awesome cookies, though. It makes up for the "missing" pieces of the post. :)

  5. OMG, did it have anything to do with porcupines? LMAO!!!! ;)

  6. ok, Now I'm scared. I was driving home from work today and thought of a great beginning full of anecdotes for my next post and I've forgotten it. I will be blaming this all on you! :-) These cookies look so yummy right now, I'm starving!

  7. LOL! yeah all my good stuff & thoughts happen on the road while driving.

  8. You had me on that delicious nut. It look delicious!

  9. Hazelnut and chocolate is one of my favorite combination and I have yet to try a chocolate chip hazelnut type of cookie!

  10. YUM - love chocolate chip cookies and hazelnuts. I'll have to try them together!

  11. What a great twist on traditional chocolate chip cookies - yum!

  12. I hate it when that happens... But I am glad that hazelnut chocolate chip cookies happened anyway. They look delish... and NOW I want cookies at 12:30am! LOL

  13. You made me smile anyway. Thanks God you didn't forget to add the hazelnuts and chocolate to the cookies. they're awsome.

  14. As long as I get my drool on nothing else matters! I'm sitting here trying to come up with something to bake and wishing I had hazelnuts right now.

  15. Great cookies, without a recipe...hmmm well just feast with eyes is not fattening at least!

  16. I do that all the time...forget what I am to write..ugh. But these cookies, so amazing my friend. Oregon is famous for hazelnuts you know.

  17. Oh, we forgive you. That was still an entertaining post! Cookies look awesome, I just took some choc chip ones out of the oven myself. Perfect timing.

  18. haha, this is great! even without the witty banter.... those look like some pretty amazing cookies!!

  19. sometimes a piece of food doesn't need a bunch of witty writing surrounding it, and this is one of those instances. that said, i'm disappointed that there will be no dancing. :)

  20. Cookies look awesome. I don't have much luck with baking cookies. They always spread too much in the oven and come out looking like small frisbees.

    You need to make a video of yourself singing and dancing and stick it on YouTube. I'll be your first subscriber.

  21. The cookies look great and that speak a lot for itself. I love hazelnut choc :p

  22. What a tasty looking cookie - I love hazelnuts.

  23. you're such a goober!! I always think of stuff to say as i'm cooking and then forget when I go to write. If I'm on top of things, I'll make little notes on the recipe :P

  24. Aww, that's too bad! But the pictures of your cookies make up for it.

    I always think about posts when I'm falling asleep, and I hate forgetting them so I always have to get out of bed and write them down. It gets pretty annoying at times! :)

  25. MMmmmmmm hazelnuts and chocolate chips! Be still my heart!


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