Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chocolate Valentines, Molten Chocolate Cakes

So I got an email a while ago from Kate of Serendipity. She wanted to know if I wanted to take part in a Valentines Day roundup where she would send me some chocolate, I would do something with it and post about it.

At first I was kind of dubious, seeing as how I'm really not a big V-Day person. I get my girlfriend flowers (which I do periodically anyway), a card, I cook her a dinner she enjoys (which I do all the time regardless), probably some champagne in there and yeah, that's it really. I didn't even do a post about it last year.

But then I remembered where Kate lives.

She lives in Belgium.

So, to recap, she offered to send me Belgian chocolate and all I had to do was make something with it? Yeah, I'm down. Completely. Always happy to take part in activities with my fellow bloggers. Heh.When the package came it was like Christmas. I opened up the envelope I let out a most undignified (not to mention unmanly) squeal of delight. Four bars of chocolate, two in foil and two in plastic with a sticker declaring they were artisan. Or that's what I'm guessing "artisanale" means. Because I'm clever like that. I don't have pictures of all of them, some of it mysteriously (and rapidly) disappeared. Mostly the big bar from that artisan place. Yeah, no idea what happened to it. Heh. The question was, what to do with it? What to do with it, indeed.

But the answer, really, was simple. When you have awesome chocolate you have to make an awesome chocolate cake. That's it. So, molten chocolate cakes it was. Because really, is there a more awesome chocolate cake? I'm not convinced that there is. Plus it's so ridiculously easy. I didn't use the same recipe from last time I posted about them, I used this one from Tasty Kitchen. It used all bar chocolate, instead of some cocoa powder, so the cakes weren't so dark. Which means my girlfriend likes them more, too. Which is good, for Valentines Day.

So thanks Kate! This was a lot of fun. Now, have you kids all been to her blog? If not you should, she takes wicked good pictures. And I'm not just saying that because she sends me chocolate. Heh.

Oh and since it is Sunday, here's Noodles. Wanting what she can't have.
Check out what the other folks did with their chocolate, here is a link to the roundup.


  1. I'm with Noodles. Don't we all want what we can't have?
    Love Molten Chocolate Cakes. I imagine your girlfriend was delighted.

  2. ohhh Noodles is sooo cute! Id you are not going to give Noodles that chocolate...I'll take it!

  3. this is the PERFECT use for that chocolate! oh, molten cakes, how you tempt me! :)

  4. yeah you definitely can't argue with free Belgian chocolate. THat would be ludicrous. Even if you are anti V-day.

    Those molten chocolate cakes look delicious!

  5. Noodles is my kinda cat, going after the good stuff no matter what the outcome. Happy VD! lol

  6. Molten Chocolate Cakes! Special treat with special chocolate..can you believe how smooth and tasty? Wonderful stuff! Great way to use it!

  7. What a lucky girlfriend, she must be very happy you baked it for her on a romantic day.

  8. Yum, what a classically wonderful recipe - perfect for Valentine's Day! Yes, the homemade version must be infinitely better than the store bought type.

    Now I'm REALLY sad that I turned down Kate's offer for the chocolate; my mouth is drooling!!

  9. it looks delish, i almost made the same thing!

    noodles is so cute~

  10. This looks wonderful, pure chocolatey goodness. I have never made a molten chocolate cake, what's my problem?

    Happy valentines day!

  11. Noodles has good taste! Even if she can't have what she wants. I hope your girlfriend knows just how lucky she is! The molten chocolate cakes look sooo yummy!
    Happy V-Day to you and yours!
    Ma Fey

  12. Noodles is sooo absolutely adorable!!
    The ooze amount in those little cakes look perfect too.

  13. I'd kill for some Belgian chocolate right now! Your girlfriend is a lucky girl.

  14. Looks like Noodles is in a Valentine's Day mood too. Then again who could resist Belgian chocolate.

  15. Delightful post..:) I smiled..that's a good thing..I think that's what i would have made:)

  16. This is the most incredible promotion between bloggers I have ever heard of! INCREDIBLE FROM EVERYONE!

  17. Oh wow, what gorgeous little cakes - the chocolate running out is making my mouth water! And yay for free chocolate :)

  18. OMG my favorite dessert of all time!!

  19. Noodles knows what's good! Loving your blog and recipes. Come visit GrannyMountain when you have time...

  20. I read the recipe - never realized these were that easy to make! Great score on the chocolate!

  21. Oooh that must have been a gorgeous package to receive in the post! The molten cakes look sublime, what a treat. MMM!

  22. Your girlfriend must love you! Belgian chocolate molten lava cakes...decadent.

  23. Wow!!!! Your chocolate molten cake is stunning.

    Cheers to you for taking on Belgian chocolate. Certainly, it does not get any better.

  24. Gorgeous little cakes with molten centres, what's not to love? Yours are even more squidgy than mine was.
    Thanks for stopping by in Normandy.

  25. One of my all time favorites...ooey-gooey, melty chocclate, in a cake.... Room service please! ;-)

    Thanks to you and Kate.


  26. Heh, Bob, I think you need to ask Noodles about that bar that disappeared...

    These look fabulous. I've always wanted to make them, but somehow never have. I think that's a situation that's about to be remedied.

    Thanks for this recipe. And thanks again for making the Chocolate Valentines badge for us!

  27. I was thinking of making molten cakes - never made them before. Such great treats for Valentines - who can resist free chocolate - even Noodles can't!

  28. That looks amazing!!! And Belgian chocolate? Lucky Duck.

  29. who wouldn't pass up free Belgian chocolate?!! not me!
    These are too amazing!!

  30. Oh good lord these look perfect. Did Noodles get a cake? ;) I wouldn't be sharing if they were mine.

  31. Oh you lucky devil to get that wonderful chocolate from Kate. You certainly put it to optimal use I would say, and your girlfriend is lucky too. Noodles is adorable.

  32. How wonderful to get this Belgian Chocolate! And your molten chocolate cakes look decadent, and so very tempting!

  33. I love molten chocolate cake! I'll have to try this.

  34. The first picture looks like Noodles is sporting a bad toupee :)

    We worked so no special dinner or anything-but he is taking me to Ikea for a table tomorrow.....

  35. Sounds like a good deal! The molten lava cake looks really yummy :)

  36.'re too funny! and that cake, Ya I agree, aint no better chocolate cake out looks amazing!


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