Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Cats

I've managed to catch another cold, so I'm just crawling out of bed to put up this one picture. The real Bob.See that black line across his shoulder? That's the string that defeated him. I was playing with him and put the string on his back. He immediately lay down, exposing his belly in submission. He is the wimpiest cat I have ever been affiliated with.


  1. That sounds like my Hermes!
    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. I love your cat photos!!!
    Have you ever tried to tie a sock around a cats stomach????? It is the funniest thing ever!

  3. I hope you feel better soon. You need to come down to Florida and sweat your cold away and have some pop rock, chipotle chocolate. lol

  4. Feel better. This made me laugh out loud.

  5. Wimpiest... or sweetest! Feel better.

  6. LOL, what can you do with a cat like that?

  7. get well soon. LOL at your cat photo :)

  8. Exposing the belly is submission? I had no idea.
    What a cute kitty.
    Feel better soon!


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