Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sunday Cats

So, one thing we learned while moving is that Noodles actually likes chaos. The real Bob, not so much. But her? Give her the most precarious perch in the house and she's all about it. The cushions are usually a little less furry, too...

This one doesn't look too bad, but that box that's half her width isn't very stable I assure you.

The real Bob prefers the floor. Or the bed. You know, safe stuff.


  1. LOL! I thought all the cats LOVE chaos...well, they might not like the moving, but they definitely love the mess..the messier, the better.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. haha she is adorable. My dog HATES chaos. She doesn't like feeling like she's not in control. Interesting that your cat likes it. Animals are such strange creatures...

  3. I don't know about yours, but my cats were normally the ones responsible for the chaos! It let them practice their "who, me?" expresions!

  4. It never ceases to amaze me how animals have their own individual personalities and quirks. So adorable!

  5. Our cat is SO happy that we've returned home from our holiday travels. She's been sleeping on our, as yet unpacked bags. I suppose she thinks that if she sleeps on them, we won't leave again.

    Happy holidays!

  6. Definitely the difference between cats and dogs. My guys quiver in chaos.
    Love the Amazon box front and center!

  7. I just love to look at cat's pictures! You cats are the coolest!


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