Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday Cats

So things are starting to get settled, which is nice. We can see the floor now and I've used my new stove a couple times. The kids have adjusted just fine, we were a little worried that since this place is smaller they might not get along as well. But here they are, practicing their synchronized sleeping. There's a big competition coming up, I hear. The real Bob likes to rock out and doesn't really care who knows it. You can tell by the look on his face. Heh. Noodles likes sleeping on the corners of the bed. We aren't sure why, especially after she's been knocked down from there if we have to get up in the middle of the night. But whatever, it makes her happy and it's not like we could stop her.

So tomorrow I'll post about the first thing I made in my new apartment and there's a giveaway! Excitement!


  1. Glad you are getting settled in, and the kitties too! Can't wait to read about your first cooking adventures in your new place.

  2. yes kitties love to sleep on edges of anything. why I haven't a clue.
    new stove eh? I wish I had one of those. the stove I have in my rental is a 36 year old Gaggenau...old man old. can't wait to move!!

  3. My cats used to claim one corner of the bed each. They didn't get along much either, despite living together for 13 years or so.

  4. The Kitchen! We want photos of the kitchen!

    I'm glad the cats are happy. If they weren't, you'd have to move again, you know...

  5. From the top pic, I couldn't tell I couldn't tell where Bob and Noodles where at first. They blend really well to their surroundings. lol.

  6. Looking forward to see what you cranked out in your new, full size oven! Our cat not only sleeps on the edge of stuff, but why must they sleep on things that must be uncomfortable? Like newspaper, shopping bags and ornament boxes?

  7. adorable! always happy to see your cat photos. can't wait for your apartment photos, hope u're putting them up ;)

  8. Cats, gotta love them. No matter where they are, always comfortable enough for a deep snooze - too cute!

  9. How utterly adorable! My cats got along just fine in a small space, but since moving into my house (2000 sq. feet), they hate each other. Weird!

  10. Glad to see the kitties are adjusting. They are super cute! Rocking out is quite necessary at all times, at least in my apartment.

    Can't wait to see how you broke in your kitchen!

  11. Aww, I miss having a kitty.
    Such cuteness!
    Looking forward to your exciting stuff!

  12. Aww, that's good the kitties are settling in. That's so funny how Noodles sleeps on the edge of the bed. Cats and their strange habits.

  13. Hey, remember when Annie was a kitten asleep at the top of the stairs? And she rolled over and rolled down the stairs? It was funny. Found several shortbread recipes I like--love butter! love, Mom


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