Friday, December 18, 2009

Fried Mashed Potatoes and the Cookbook Winner

First, let's give away the cookbook, shall we? The winner, per, is #5.... Jenn of Bread and Butter! Excitement! So toss your mailing address towards and I'll have them get the cookbook right out to you. Congratz!

Now, for the fried mashed potatoes. This is something that's been bouncing around in my head for a while and I finally had some leftover mashed potatoes to work with. I know, leftover mashed potatoes is a weird concept. Heh. When I make mashed potatoes they aren't super soft, I like some body to them. So I figured I would just make a little patty, press it into some bread crumbs and fry it up. You know, kind of like a croquette. And that's what I did. It was very good, but not quite what I was going for. They were quite soft and didn't hold their puck shape to speak of. Not that a pile of mashed potatoes with little crispy, brown fried bits wasn't delicious, it was. But I think next time, and there will be a next time, I'm either going to dip the patties in egg (although I'm not sure how they would hold up to that) or mix an egg in with them so they get a little more firm. I'll also get step by steps, but this was breakfast and I was wicked hungry. What do you guys think, egg dip or egg in the 'tatos?


  1. Woohoo...sent you an email. ;-D

    Also, this is a cool new way to eat mashed potatoes. Little delectable cakes. Yummmmmmmmmmy!

  2. Oh, also I think if you dip them in an egg batter and coat them with may some panko, it might help retain the shape. Also place them in the fridge for at least an hour. It helps keep it from falling apart sometimes. I do that when I make crabcakes.

  3. I vote to mix an egg in with them...

    and yummy! they sound delicious, which is the most important part

  4. Congratulations to Jenn!
    I made something similar before, and I know these are great!

  5. Congrats Jenn! I love those fried potato cakes, yummy!

  6. fried & potatoes, always a good thing.

  7. I think a fried egg on the side would be nice! This reminds me of a British dish called "Bubble & Squeek". Little patties of leftover veggies such as mashed potatoes, cabbage, sprouts etc.. All mushed up together and fried until golden and crisp! Yum!

  8. I have done that out of leftover mashies too - I just placed a sunny side up egg on top and let the yolk drip down as I ate it.

  9. I just ate some leftover mashed potatoes for breakfast the other day...didn't take the time to fry them, although it did cross my mind... briefly... :)

  10. I think if you add an egg to the already soft, moist potato, you might get a pile of goop. Might try making really dry mashed potatoes first, then forming them, dipping them in egg then in crumbs and refrigerating them as someone else said.

  11. I love the idea of mashed potatoes fried, delish! Dipped in egg, seasoned flour or panko maybe? I love others ideas of a fried egg over it too!!

  12. I think either way would be good...depending on the texture you want the taters themselves to take on! I like Natashya's idea...egg dripping down...uuuummmmmyyyyyyuuuuummmm!

  13. I've tried something similar with similar results--the patties tasted good but didn't hold up the way I wanted them to. I look forward to your follow-up experiments!

  14. I love this idea. I have to try it one day :). Any form of potato is always good with me.

  15. Hi!
    Congrats Jenn on the cookbook win!
    Go U !!

    technically I am a new follower her, simply because i just started my own blog, but i have had your blog bookmarked for some time and I do absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!!

    About the fried mashed potatos, my Dad always made us potato pancakes from leftover mashed potatoes,
    (Lumpy are best to work with). You might want to forgo the egg as it makes them slimy-ish weather on the out side or mixed in.

    Dad always mixed in a little flour with his to make them firm enough to flip. He also would some times add dits of bacon and green onion. When the herbs were fresh in the garden he might add some fresh thyme. OH and Pepper is a must ( if you like pepper that is)

    Yuletide Blessings to you and yours
    Ma Fey

  16. ive seen a recipe for something similar to this and I forget what is called but I've been meaning to make them since forever! Looks good (all things potatoes is good)

  17. Your recipes look awesome!

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  18. Me, I'd put some onion in there. And a little bit of cayenne. Black pepper.

    I think Jenn has a good idea about the fridge. Egg, I dunno. Flour, probably. Let us know, ok?

  19. Croquettes are one of my favorite things to get at the state fair-they come on a stick here in MN!

  20. Wow that looks and sounds delish, you are so creative!Congrats to jenn..

  21. Thanks everyone!

    girlichef: Mmmm, fried egg...

    Mama: Thanks for the tips, I definitely don't want them slimy.

  22. So before I got to the end of your post, I was going to suggest mixing in an egg. This way there will be some binding and sticking going on. Great concept though!

  23. i love potato cakes... and I always use an egg

  24. I've tried it both ways and I never get it right. If you figure it out let me know. They look good though!

  25. Congrats to Jenn! I've made mashed potato cakes before - but I'm drawing a blank. I think I mixed egg and bread crumbs right in them. But I bet dipping them would be good too - or how about both?

  26. this looks like a unique way of serving the mashed potato =)

  27. I love mashed potato patties. I like to put chives and onions in mine.

  28. yep..I would mix an egg in there to help them hold their shape. They do look mighty tasty

  29. Congrats Jen!!!!

    Yep, I vote for eggs to hold em together. These remind me of Polpettes (a Greek potato patty with feta cheese) and they need an egg too. But in all honesty, any sort of mashed potatoey thing with crispy bits is all right by me.. ;)

  30. I have been making fried mashed for years. I mix a fair amount of chopped onion and red pepper into the potatos and form them into a patties. The next morning while they are still cold from the refrigerator, I spread on a very light coat of Crisco type shortening, then dust the patties with cracker crumbs. Fry those babies in a bit of butter until golden brown and then's time to dine!


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