Monday, December 7, 2009

Camera Cleanup Part 4

Well, this dude needs a break from unpacking. So I'm going to post a couple pics from my cleanup folder. Heh, I'm running low on these, I might need to dig my way to the stove sooner rather than later.

Here is the last box of pastries we got from the bakery near our old apartment. There's a lemon/raspberry danish, some turnovers, some pastry stick thingies.. I have no idea what was in the bag, but I'm sure it was good. Pretty much everything from that place was.

But this, this is what I could use right now. A nice, cold oatmeal stout. If you're into stout you should try this, it's a good time. I had meant to do a whole review on it but I can't find any notes. I don't think I took any, I think I just drank it.


  1. you had a bakery near your old place? dangerous I say!

  2. i hate unpacking... boxes around for 6 months last time we moved

  3. I could go for a stout! Or two and and a yummy pastry!

  4. If i did a camera clean up youd end up seeing some weird stuff....a praying mantis, a powder blue dragon fly and a hawk with a pigeon in his some pretty pictures of my flowers. LOL
    And what is it about cats and boxes...or paper bags? They love that shit

  5. I have always wanted to try oatmeal stout, it's now on my grcery list!

  6. I've never been very big on stout. I'm much more of a cider ale type of gal. The pastry though...yum.

  7. Dawn: It was very dangerous, we're lucky we got out while still even slightly fit!

    Year on the Grill: Heh, I still have boxes from several moves ago. But I actually like unpacking, it's all the stuff before that that I can't stand.

    Reeni: Me too and it's not even noon yet. ;)

    Danielle: Dragonflies are cool. I don't know, but they totally do.

    noble pig: A good oatmeal stout is like an appetizer in a bottle. You should definitely try it!

    Joanne: Cider ale is a good time too. Heh.

  8. inspired me to repost! Thank YOU!

  9. I will definitely be on a lookout for that stout!

  10. Mmm, pastries! I was just reading that today is National Pastry Day.
    I am a girly girl when it comes to beer. I like a lager, like a Molson Canadian. And by "a" lager, I mean twelve.

  11. Ok, Bob, give me a bit of direction here. I'm not beer drinker - I do like a wheat beer once and awhile, but what flavors come out in an oatmeal stout?

  12. unconfidentialcook: Yay!

    5 Star Foodie: Let me know how you like it if you find it.

    Natashya: Ha! Yeah, you can't drink 12 stouts. At least not easily...

    Van: A good oatmeal stout flavors of chocolate, caramel, coffee, a little bitter and rich like you wouldn't believe. The Ipswich one is richer and thicker than Guiness, for a point of reference. It's not something you have lots of. Heh.

  13. Thanks Bob.

    While not my usual beer (seeing I have half of one once a year) I think I am going to see if I can track dome down this weekend.

  14. I love danish and these look superb. yummm...


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