Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Camera Cleanup Part 2

So I dried my own rosemary a while ago. I had a big package that I wasn't using very quickly so I figured it was the thing to do. I was going to do a whole post about it but never really got around to it. Does anyone out there dry their own herbs? There is a huge difference between the store bought stuff and fresh dried. At first I thought something was wrong with it because it didn't smell right. Then I realized it was just freshness. Heh.

I also have a picture of this. I have no idea what it was, but it was smothered in cheese and baked, clearly. I'm sure it was good, I mean look at all that cheese! Probably a pasta dish.


  1. Haha I like this clean-up-the-camera game. So cool that you dry your own herbs! You should give us a tutorial on how you do it. So many of the fresh herbs that I buy go to waste and this would avoid that!

  2. Yup, that cheesy dish looks great!

  3. I would if I grew my own herbs! Fresh rosemary is ridiculously expensive here!

    The cheesy bake looks totally irresistible!

  4. I do the same thing when I have too much fresh and don't want it to go bad!

  5. Oh yum, lots of cheese and yummy browned bits too! You could have compost under there and it would still taste good. ... Okay, maybe not, but I'm sure whatever it was was tasty.

  6. Joanne: I think I'll do a post about it next time.

    Karen: Thanks!

    Angie: I would love to be able to grow my own herbs.

    Hungry Dog: Could be. Or a Mexican casserole I make. I top a lot of stuff with tons of cheese. ;)

    Year on the Grill: I wish it was even an option for me! Heh.

    JennDZ: It's good times, isn't it?

    Palidor: I know right? How bad can it be with all that cheese?

  7. I have dried my own herbs. That's the best. Cheesy heaven, mmmm!

  8. Oh, I so miss my herbs, they all died before I could dry any :(
    Rosemary is my only plant that has survived several winters by now. It's not so great looking at the moment, but it will be back to life in spring.

  9. LOL mystery casserole dish! I have a couple of those in archives--no idea what to do with them.

  10. I generally don't bother drying herbs, but I tend to use mine up as I only shell out the money for fresh ones for specific recipes. I have a lovely rosemary plant here, but as I'll be moving in the spring, I might have to leave it behind when I go...

  11. I have a HUGE HUGE rosemary bush thats taller than I am in my front yard. I love how it smells. and your mystery dish looks awesome! Wish I knew what was inside LOL

  12. I wish I dried my own herbs - so much gets thrown away b/c it's not used quickly enough (especially during the summer when I get huge bunches from the farmers' market!) Well, even if you're not sure what it was, that dish is super-cheesy and delicious-looking! If you do remember, be sure to let us know and post a recipe! 8-D

  13. Have no idea what the cheese dish is but it sure looks good! Wonder why you never posted it?

    I do computer clean up once in a while but dump camera stuff each time I transfer. My kids complain I dump too quickly!

  14. I'm with Joanne-I would love to know how to dry herbs as they always go bad before I can use them all.

    Baked and loaded with cheese-how could that be a bad thing?

  15. So neat that you made your own dried rosemary! Loving that cheesy goodness in the casserole!

  16. Mmmmmm....huge burnt cheese puddle....mmmmm!!!! ;)

  17. This is WONDERFUL! Thank you for doing this. Great job and I'm going to need them to refill the little liners for the diaper changing table too. Those come in real handy.

  18. Fresh rosemary grows like weeds here in CA. Some people have multiple bushes growing in their yards. It's a great smell!


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