Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Smooth and Thick Potato, Caramelized Onion and Chicken Soup

2 lbs red potatoes, scrubbed and cut in 2" pieces
1/2 medium sweet onion
1 tsp dried rosemary
3-5 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 tsp dry mustard
3 cups chicken stock
2 cups (or more) cooked chicken
2 tbls fresh parsley
2 tbls flour
salt and pepper

Dice the onion and
caramelize it. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the flour and cook, stirring constantly, for another 30-40 seconds. Add the stock. Add the potatoes, rosemary, mustard and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the potatoes are soft. Use a wand mixer or blender to blend the soup until it's smooth. Add the chicken, parsley and salt and pepper. Eat it.

You folks may have noticed I don't do a lot of soups here. Well, that's because I don't make a lot of soup. I'm not a big fan of thin, brothy soups (although I don't turn up my nose if someone serves it to me). I like my soups thick and rich, meals in and of themselves. And usually you just call that stew. The only other soup I have here is very similar to this one, although it's full of milk. This here is actually dairy free, by accident more than design. Now since there isn't any dairy in this you really want to use stock, not broth. Stock gives it a thicker, richer mouth feel that broth just wouldn't. If you don't have stock you can use broth, but it won't be as good. You could always add some butter and/or cream, but then it wouldn't be so lactose-intolerant friendly. Course, you could always use both cream and stock and have it be even better. Heh. So, let's do this.

First you need to caramelize the onion. I knew that post would come in handy. Heh. Add the garlic and saute it just for thirty seconds or so. When that's all set sprinkle the flour on there and stir it around for about a minute. Don't let it burn though, turn down the heat if you have to or add the liquid early. It's better to have it under cooked than burned. Next add the stock. I freeze mine in half cup measurements in those little plastic cups. Course, I forgot to thaw it, but that just makes it take a bit longer. Once that's all set, add the rosemary and dry mustard. Then the potatoes, which have been scrubbed and cut in big chunks. Don't worry about them being too even, they're getting blended. Once they're cooked hit 'em with the wand mixer. I love this thing. Use it like a masher at first, it makes it easier to blend them. This is the goal. At least, it's how I like it, you could leave chunks if you want. Then just add the parsley and the chicken. This is the leftovers from that half chicken I roasted the other day. Stir it up, add salt and pepper to taste and that's it! This was really good. Simple and hearty, with a nice earthy taste from the potato skins and a hint of sweetness from the caramelized onion. I'll definitely be making it again.
Sweet Potatoes on Foodista


  1. I also don't like thin soups, unless it's noodle soup. Even then, I eat the stuff in it but don't drink the soup. This looks yum! I'd go with stock AND cream. :-)

  2. looks very very delicious...I'm a big time soup person too...

    I've made one much like this without the's so delicious...

    love adding the chicken as I too like a meal in one sort of thing.

    rosemary is always killer with potatoes...

  3. I am not a big fan for the soup, but a rich creamy soup like this would be welcome at any time!

    Angie's Recipes

  4. Yummy soup. I do have some potatoes that I need to use up. You've got the wheels in my head turning. ;-D

  5. Wow what a gorgeous soup. I love thick, creamy soups like this and it looks better than my ho-hum chicken soup! It's like a chowder. Yum!

  6. This looks really good! I like the addition of dry mustard to it... something I sometimes think we don't use enough of.

  7. YUM!! I was drooling after just reading the name...looks amazing (said the soup-lover)!

  8. what's with everyone..making such hearty gorgeous soups?? Ahh its fall I guess :)

    great soup...just super tasty :) I can tell even from here :)

  9. Your soup looks very satisfying and hearty. The carmelized onion is a great flavor booster. And the immersion blender...I really love mine too. So fun to use!

  10. Oooooooh! I have been thinking of making something similar with one of my chicken carcasses: cream of chicken & caramelized onion soup. Your soup looks brilliant, Bob!

  11. mmmm soup! would've been great if the temp didn't zoom up to close to 90' today...wth?

  12. Thanks kids!

    Karen: I agree, it's totally underused. I've been trying it out in different things lately, with... differing amounts of success. Heh.

    Hungry Dog: It's my favorite single purpose kitchen gadget, I'm wicked glad I got it.

    Wandering Coyote: I've never made cream of chicken soup,so you definitely need to do it so I can see how. ;)

    Danielle: Heh, we might be getting snow tonight. It's much more soup weather here.

  13. Your soup seems hearty and so delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Hi Bob !
    This is Pierre From Paris France
    If you like French creative cuisine come and see my blog you are very welcome and the last recipe is in english you will see thereis also potatoes and rosemary ! see you then !!
    Cheers Pierre

  15. I am a total soup girl! Love it any way I can get it as long as it doesn't come from a can. And I love this - especially the caramelized onions! I wish I had some now!

  16. A delicious and super comforting soup! Caramelized onions add such a nice flavor!

  17. I love the name, smooth and thick! Awesome!

  18. I love thick soup/stew! It looks awesome. Well done!

  19. I wish it was soup weather here, because that looks really good. But, alas, it was 90 today.

  20. This soup looks absolutely delicious. Thanks for the recipe. I'll be making this soon.

  21. I'm exactly the same. Thin soups remind me of flavoured water. I prefer thick soups, especially pumpkin or squash varieties.

  22. Wow!! Tawny would totally groove on this!

  23. I adore soups of all kinds - thin & brothy, thick & creamy. But the latter is my secret vice; creamy usually means 'cream' which means 'high cal' but your recipe is guilt-free. This is going on my winter soup rotation!

  24. I love thick soups like this, so rich and comforting!


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