Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Cats

So not only does Noodles need boxhab, but she is also a bag lady. I need to get shots of her whole stalking the bag process, it's most amusing. It can take her 15 minutes to finally be in the bag after circling it, batting it gently and making fake lunges at it.

One of my sisters and nieces were here a couple weeks ago (she made a pie while she was here, I'll be posting about it later this week). Bob decided he liked both her purse and her cell phone.He also slept on the air mattress with my niece at least once, she loved it. Her father is very allergic to cats so she can't have one at home. Fortunately ours are plenty friendly, so she got a good cat fix.


  1. I hope Bob didn't make any overseas calls on that phone. With cats, you can never tell what they'll do next, but sometimes it'll cost you a lot of money. LOL!
    Thumper loves paper bags, too. But, he does not want to play inside them; instead, he crushes them flat so he can sit on them. There is one on the floor in the living room where he sits and meows at us when he wants to be brushed.

  2. Awww, so cute! Minky also has a purse fetish. But they're not into paper bags anymore. Misty used to love paper bags, and she would play with them in the middle of the night. Haha, maybe it's a good thing for me that they don't like them anymore!

  3. My cat loves the paper bags. The paper or plastic question at the store was obviously invented by someone who has never owned a cat.

  4. I love your kitties...I've got two as's amazing how one never tires of their beauty.

    I take dozens of photos of all my pets pretty much every week...they're all on facebook!

  5. very sweet...I always love the kittie photos.
    my cat loves the paper bags from whoel foods...goes crazy inside them

  6. Loving the photos. A bag the choice of toy, lucky you, my puppy prefers to chew on my high heels.

  7. I'm not a cat person (prolly 'cuz I'm too much like them) but I love seeing cute pics of them!

  8. by the way, these two look like they have a little Maine Coon goin on. Big fluffy tails, big gentle personalities.

    Lea Ann

  9. What cuties!! That is so funny - the paw on the phone.

  10. I love a cat in a bag!!!!
    How cute is this?

  11. Bag Kitty... very cute!





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