Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quick Herb Infused Olive Oil

I figured this out the other day, I think it's pretty cool. It may have been common knowledge before, I don't know, but I hadn't heard of it. You know that flavored oil you get to dip bread in in some restaurants? You can get that in just a couple minutes at home with some fresh herbs (dry probably works too, I've only done it once, with fresh). Take a couple tablespoons of fresh herbs, I used basil, oregano, a little finely diced onion, parsley and garlic. Mix it with about a half cup of good olive oil, in a microwave safe container. Then nuke it for 1-2 minutes, covered. If you don't cover it there will be a mess. Then let it sit a couple minutes and you have some herb infused oil. Perfect for dipping bread in. Or brushing on bread then toasting. Or brushing on a roast, scrambling eggs in or browning meatballs. Or whatever, it's flavored oil.


  1. Yup, I do that, too. You can also try heating some olive oil with garlic in a small pot--it's great for salad dressing, dipping, basting or just pouring on top of pasta with a bit of Parmesan.

  2. I grew up with butter, but ever since I "discovered" infused olive oil, I've never looked back. Try brushing some on pizza dough before adding toppings...Mmm...

  3. Excellent, I've been meaning to prepare different oils myself and keep them bottled for I need them.
    Try the rosemary one for roasts and potatoes

  4. This is such a nice and wholesome dip for bread. I love rosemary and garlic infused oil :)

  5. That's a great tip! I really like those herb-infused oils, and prefer when they use olive oil. Unfortunately, most flavored oils that you buy in a bottle are a neutral flavored oil, like canola or safflower.

  6. Nice. I could go through a whole loaf when I use a nice oil like this! Grab a bottle of wine and a hunk of cheese to go along and that's all she wrote :D

  7. wow great!! just bought some loaf of breads. i shud try this :) thanx for the idea!

  8. Hey Bob, you know that stuff is great on grilled sandwiches too! (I know you're all about a good sammy ;) )

  9. We used to do a dip with olive oil, herbs and a little balsamic vinegar but we forgot about it and haven't done it in a long time. Thanks for reminding me about this!

  10. I love herb infused oils. Just pass me some crusty bread and I'm good to go. Yum!!!

  11. Add Balsamic Vinegar and a few cloves of shaved garlic ... and wine of course

  12. Love this...I'm an olive oil convert and other fats aren't allowed in my kitchen...Making your own herbal olive oil is bliss...or purchasing the good stuff can suffice, too. Good job! BTW: If you lose the butter and switch to olive oil it's a super way to stay lean and healthy.

  13. I looove dipping bread! this is dangerous stuff....i could eat a meal of just bread and infused olive oil. I often heat olive oil, butter and garlic...yum!

  14. I love bread and butter but herbed dipping oils are even better!

  15. I do that too! Makes a great dip and yummy in salads!

  16. I know, it's so good isn't it? Yummy, yummy.

  17. Sage and Rosemary/Garlic are my favorite... I use them on pizza sometimes... AWESOME!!

  18. That's a great idea making your own herb infused oil. Adding it to scrambled eggs....that just sounds awesome! Thanks for the idea :)

  19. I love how you made this. Baasting some crusty bread in this.. oh yes..

  20. I love infusing oil with spices and herbs and the dip bread or brush on meat or vegetables when grilling.

    Great blog post!

  21. I just found your blog and I love it! You've got so many yummy recipes :)
    -Mini Baker

  22. Hey where are you? I hope everything's OK!!


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