Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Turkey Burger with Sauteed Onion and Fried Egg

Just a quickie today kids. As the post title says this is a turkey burger with some sauteed onion and a fried egg. "Wait a second, fried egg on a burger? Isn't that... weird?" I hear you cry. Well, it is, kinda. But it's awesome. So there. When you're putting an egg on a burger you need to leave the yolk runny, that way you can break it and spread it around. Oh man is it good. I don't have a recipe for this, the burger was seasoned with steak sauce, salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. Then everything got cooked and put together. That's it. Good times. Some peppers would have been good on there, cheese too, but I didn't have any of either.

There's going to be a couple more posts involving eggs, I still have some of those fresh duck eggs and a few chicken ones too. I've heard that making a cake with duck eggs is the best because of the high fat content in the large yolks...

Ground Turkey on Foodista


  1. anything with oozing yolk...yum yum

  2. Love the idea of fried egg on a burger! Excellent!

  3. YUMMY!!! what an awesome idea...breakfast burger with a real meat patty instead of sausage...mmmm. How many napkins did you use?

  4. noooo not weird to me....more like perfect.

  5. Ah, I cannot wait for the duck egg cake - excellent experiment!

  6. What an Egg-cellent burger... HA HA I am surprised someone hadn't already said that...! LOL Seriously though, Awesome!!! And yes, as a farmboy I can attest to how rich a duck egg cake is... :) Your gonna love it!

  7. You know, I don't really care for fried eggs but that looks so good to me! I do love a turkey burger.

  8. Love the drippy egg on the side of that burg. Yum.

  9. Bob,
    Now that I think of it, yes, it is kind of weird, but I love eggs on anything.

  10. I've never had an egg on a burger like this but I had one on a cheese steak and it was out of this world delicious. I will be trying this one!

  11. I bet the burger tastes wonderful with the runny yolk. Perfect idea.

  12. Mmm...I've been all about eggs recently, craving them all the time! I've always been a fan of turkey burgers (though they're second behind bison burgers), and that one looks great!

  13. First time I hear about an egg in a burger.. but this is a wonderful idea!

  14. At first I thought it was weird, but then really no different than having a fried egg atop a sausage patty. Good thinking :)

  15. You know, that is one great idea with the fried egg. We have a build-your-own-burger place near us (The Counter) and I always order hard-boiled egg as one of the extras. But fried, now we're talkin'!

  16. I don't think that's weird. I love eggs and would put them on anything.

  17. Great brunch dish! Maybe needs an additional leaf of lettuce and slice of tomatoes though. Great meal, looks so delicious!

  18. you combined my two favorite ingredients -- fried egg and onions! And, on a turkey no less! burger heaven.

  19. I totally need to try a burger with an egg on it!


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