Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Cats

Ok, you all knew Noodles needs boxhab. More than a little. But it appears she's turned the real Bob onto them too. Everyone together now, "I learned it from watching YOU!"


  1. Awwwwwww, I love them! I don't know what it is about cats and squishing into things or places where they just barely fit... but they're so cute when they do it. :)

  2. Bahahah. Of all the things I learned from our father, I don't imagine any will eventually require professional psychiatric help. Not like that, anyway...

  3. OMG - my Juno is a total boxaholic! It's hilarious what she'll squeeze herself into. She also likes bubble wrap.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. AAAAAHHH! It's CONTAGIOUS. I didn't know that....but now that you mention it, I feel the need to crawl into a box and curl up. >yawn< Wake me in time for work, ok???

  6. Wow, so cute! I guess a shoebox can be cozy, who knew...

  7. I know I've said it about a hundred time but aww - such cuties! I think there's something about a box that makes a kitty feel safe - the tighter the squeeze the better!

  8. I'm always amaze the place cats can fit themselves into. My friend's little on always goes into one of her shoe boxes.

  9. Thumper has a spot that he likes to sleep in recently--it's the lid to a box of file folders which was, for some odd reason, on the floor in the library room. My husband had just said, "Thumper never goes in that room..." Had to prove him wrong, I guess!
    Only thing more tempting to a cat is a paper grocery bag.

  10. haha thats so funny. I use to have a big ole fat orange cat named Spud and he'd cram himself into boxes too! My cats have a thing for paper bags!

  11. I've been awol from your blog for so long - I've missed Sunday cats so much!! Getting my fill of Cat-in-the-Box. Adorable!!

  12. How gorgeous are your kitties! I love it when they find boxes to chill out in. So adorable.

  13. Too cute. My sister had a cat that was like 15 pounds. His name as Pokey. Pokey would sit in shoe boxes as well, but they would always tear from his fat cute ass self!!! LOL

    After he broke all of the shoe boxes, he started hanging out in the bathroom sink!


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