Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Cats

I have a cold. But fortunately I also have a pair of nursemaids. One of them is always with me, making sure everything is ok. Or taking advantage of the fact that I'm not moving much. They love it when we don't move.


  1. Lovely kitties. I love cats. I want a cat. ;-)

    Feel better soon!

  2. awww now that is adorable. your kitties love you and want to take care of you. I agree with you on kitty loving it when you don't move my tiki is the same way. He hates, absolutely hates when hubby fussies around; tiki shoots him a look like "can you knock it off now" LOL

  3. I have often wondered what it is about being sick that brings on the kitties. Is it, indeed, the fact that you don't get out of bed or off the couch, and provide a stable snuggly spot for kitty? Is it the feverish waves of heat that attracts cats like a warm cable box can also do? Or are they showing a little kitty concern for their "favorite" person? We may never know for sure. Enjoy it while you can, and get well soon!

  4. Oh, their so sweet - comforting you in your sick state. Hope you feel better!

  5. Awww, I'm glad they're looking after you. Pets are great that way, aren't they? When I sprained my ankle last year and I was lying in bed with my leg propped up, both my cats cuddled up to me, one on either side.

  6. awww... your grey cat looks exactly like my cat who died last year :(
    sooo cute n fluffy. awww

  7. Aww what cute nursemaids! I think you need a nice greasy bacon cheeseburger to cure that cold. Feel better soon, Bob.

  8. I have two kitties that keep me company all the time too. I'm in bed most of the time with a chronic condition and they are my constant companions...

    they keep me half-sane...

    them and my five minute at a time cooking moments!!

  9. I hope you feel better soon!
    I love your fluffy kitties!

  10. I hope you're feeling better soon! Your cats are just the prettiest things. :)

  11. Hope you feel better!

    One of our cats ALWAYS lays between Jon's legs like that!

  12. Awww how sweet that they are looking after you. I just adore cats :)

  13. Funny, my cat never came near me when I was sick! she always stayed away as if she was afraid of catching my cold!


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