Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Cats

My, it's been a while since I've done this. There is a reason though. You see, I'm not very organized. Heh. And I've been working weekends, which is when I toss these together. But I'm off today, so here we go!

The real Bob is kind hard to get candids of. As soon as he notices the camera he wants to look right at it. It can be frustrating, but I do sometimes get great expressions. Here's Noodles contemplating the leg of our bed for some reason. And here she is passed out nip-drunk on the scratching post. We sprinkled it with catnip and she sat there rubbing her face on it till she fell asleep. She might have a problem. And I'll leave you with this deceptively peaceful looking scene. You can just pretend there wasn't chasing and violence about three seconds later.

Oh, if you need a kitten fix my brother has a fresh batch. In the most recent post they get a bath.


  1. LMAO!! I can just tell that that last picture is the calm before the storm!! I can just hear the under-the-breath growls and see that tails fwapping back and forth in anticipation. They're both gorgeous :D

  2. What cuties!! I saw your brothers kittens - more cuteness!

  3. Ha. I like Noodles staring at the bed for no reason. Sometimes our dog just lies down facing the wall, really close. Why?! Why not, I guess.

  4. I swear that first picture of Bob...he looks human. I'm not even kidding.

  5. V. cute! And, btw, that guacamole chicken salad is a great idea...maybe a sprinkling of bacon on top?

  6. my two cats are frustrating me to no end right want them? LOL

  7. Ohhh, I love Bob and Noodles! What beautiful, happy cats!


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