Monday, June 15, 2009

Bacon Guacamole Burger

Yeah. Kind of says it all, huh? I'm going to do some talking anyway, of course. Heh. So, there is a place down the street from my apartment that used to make a kick ass bacon-guacamole burger. This thing was the bomb, plenty of bacon, good guacamole... I think there was lettuce or something in there... But it had bacon and guacamole and it was awesome.

One day my girlfriend goes down there to get us some and they just don't make them anymore! No explanation, no apology, no offer of a handful of coupons to loyal customers, nothing. I had to settle for a barbecue bacon burger. Which was also good. But it didn't have guacamole! So when my girlfriend came home from the grocery store with some guacamole and some thick cut pepper crusted bacon I thought, "You know, I could make a bacon guacamole burger with this stuff." And I did.And it was better than the ones we used to get down the street. The sauce is equal parts guacamole and sour cream, plus some fresh cilantro. The burger itself had a little (but not that much, I didn't want it to overpower the sauce) cumin, onion, garlic, cayenne, salt and pepper in it. I also toasted the bun in the pan I had cooked the bacon in so it was crispy and delightful. Tossed some crushed tortilla chips on there too. This was one of the best burgers I've ever had and I've eaten a lot of burgers. So it's not really a recipe (I don't have any measurements), but if you like burgers you should definitely make one of these. Just adjust everything to taste.They're wicked good.


  1. You had me at bacon fat toasted bread. I honestly wouldn't even need the burger.

  2. Awesome! I want one too!

  3. Totally awesome! I am really into avocadoes these days for some reason. I was ho-hum about them before, but recently, I've come to really enjoy them. They're usually a good price now, too. Thanks for this burger idea - looks like it would go excellently with my homemade buns!

  4. mmmmm.... my FAVORITE burger has guacamole!

    I voted for you too!

  5. This burger sounds so good! I am a sucker for burgers...and I love burgers with guac (also love em with BBQ)

  6. Dude, your totally speakin my language.... BACON!

  7. holy guacamole-can you airmail me one? Yummy!

  8. That is off the charts!! I don't have a choice now, I must have one!!!!

  9. Vicki: Heh, the bun was wicked good. :)

    Karen5 & Star Foodie: Heh, if one of you guys wants to host, I'll do the cooking. ;)

    Wandering Coyote: Oh man, it would go great with those! I used to not be into avocados either, I just discovered guacamole about a year ago. Good times.

    Spryte: Thanks! :D Yeah, something about guac and burgers is just irresistible.

    JennDZ: Thanks! I too am a sucker for burgers. They're just so damn good.

    Culinary Alchemist: Heh, you could even do it with a goat or lamb burger (since I know you don't feel it overmuch for beef). Oh man, a lamb/guac burger would be unreal!

    tamilyn: Heh, I don't think it would travel well. But I think Karen is hosting a burger party... :D

    Reeni: Resistance is futile! :)

  10. Everything of it sounds awesome! Love guacamole but nvr thought of putting it in burgers!

  11. Oh you are killing me with this!! That is my kind of burger!! ...making my mouth water!

  12. Bacon Guacamole Burger? Okay, please invite me next time you are doing this.

  13. Oh man that looks so good!! Nice touch with the crushed tortilla chips too.

  14. You are killing me..looks DELISH!! Figtreeapps

  15. I swear that last burger picture looks like it's talking.

  16. Oh man, I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw the title!!! Holy Guacamole Batman! (haha...sorry, a moment of corniness there). Looks awesome dude!! :)

  17. "WIcked good" sounds exactly right. Yummo!

  18. This a badass burger. 'Nuff said.

  19. That is one nice looking burger! I like the sound of adding guacamole!


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