Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Quick Slice and Some Sunday Cats

Sometimes a dude is busy and doesn't have time to cook, clean or write up a proper blog post. So he grabs a couple slices of pizza, slaps ridiculous captions on pictures of his cats "Noodles' head is missing!" "Bob doesn't care."

And calls it a day.


  1. You're such a dork! LOL (from the chicken hater) :P

  2. Certainly understandable. Been there.. on to catch up to your other posts.

  3. Been there...but who doesn't love a good slice (or 2) of pizza and some cute kitties!?

  4. Your cat is giving you the "no papparazzi" sign.

  5. Delicious slice of pizza, I like thin pizza like this too. Your cat is so beautiful

  6. I'm a cat freak...err lover too. Somehow I ended up with 5 of them. I guess I can't turn away a hungry furball. :)

  7. LOL Noodles head is missing! OK that was funny. I did actually do a double take on that one.

  8. Aw, poor headless Noodles. :)

  9. I want my Noodle fix! Haha. Hope things slow down for you.

  10. Sunday was definitely a pizza kind of day for us, too. But fortunately, we were able to keep track of the dog's head!

  11. I almost cried when I saw those slices!!! Pizza in Pittsburgh sucks!!!

    I'll be up there in 10 days and can't wait to eat pizza!!! My mom always has it waiting for me when I arrive.

  12. Ha! Silly post, and great Boston blog! Love the Sunday cat posts... I try to include Eloise in my posts often, too!


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