Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is What Happens When I Get Bored

I tend to wrap things up in dough and bake them. What kinds of things? Oh, say, meatloaf. Heh. Although I've also done apples, hamburgers, sausage, all kinds of other stuff. Now I know I've covered stuffed, braided bread before, but this time I have a couple new tips for it. And some better pics. So, since I had the dough that I was going to make the stuffed bread pot pie thing with, I just took a chunk of the meatloaf that I actually made and braided it into some. Well, first I rolled out the dough. Here, let me just show you.

First, I rolled out the dough. This dough was made by my brother in his Kitchen-Aid, so it's much more wet than dough made by hand. That's why there is so much flour on my board there. But this was a great dough to work with and had some really good flavor. Then I plopped a chunk of the meatloaf down on it (I actually put a little bbq sauce in there, just to make sure it stayed moist of course). Sliced it like normal for a braid, but this time I folded in the ends first. That's new tip number one. It worked out really well, I wish I had thought of it before. It kept the insides in and the ends nice and neat. Well, mostly. But then you do the braid thing. Left, right, left, right, one over the other. Once I got to the end I tied a half granny knot (but didn't get a good pic, sorry) and left it at that. Made it kind of look like a beet or something. New tip number two is this: if your strips aren't staying where you want them, put a little water on there and smoosh it a bit. Seems obvious, doesn't it? I didn't even think of it till this time. Ah well. I wound up moistening and pinching it in a couple places and everything stayed right where it should have. It was most satisfying. A little olive oil on top and then I just baked it on a hot pizza stone (preheated for an hour at 450) for about fifteen minutes and came out with this. Lovely, isn't it? Tasty too. It's amazing how you can take a simple thing like smoky, bacon-turkey meatloaf, wrap it in dough and make it... well, not fancy. I mean, it is still meatloaf. But it's wrapped in bread! That's something, anyway. Heh.


  1. HA HA HA... I Love it..!!! And it Looks Great!! Now I am hungry for MeatLoaf Pasties...

  2. woah, totally impressed here. Looks absolutely delicious and the pics showed you are so skillful :)

  3. What a nice wrap! You turned the meatloaf into another wonderful dish.

  4. WOW! Beautiful Bob! LUV IT!

  5. It's perfect!! Your so good at braiding. Now can you cut me off a slice? YUMMMMM!!

  6. You know you did such a good job wrapping that, that I thought (at first glance) it was a mummy's head! LOL

  7. Looks great! Did you cook the meatloaf first? I'm assuming you did, but in case I ever want to try the recipe ;)

  8. DELICIOUS! I love pretty much anything in bread but this takes the cake! :)

  9. This looks delicious and I love your braiding technique.

  10. Culinary Alchemist: Thanks! Mmm, that would be wicked good.

    noobcook: Thanks! Heh, I don't know about skillful. That's all practice there.

    pigpig,DDpie, Spryte, 5 Star Foodie: Thanks!

    Reeni: Thanks! Sure thing. ;)

    Dawn: Could always do it around Halloween and call it that. Heh.

    Michele: Thanks!

    Meaghan: Yeah, the meatloaf is pre-cooked. It's actually leftovers. ;)

    ChefBliss: Thanks! Isn't there something awesome about stuff in bread?

    Mary: Thanks!

  11. You are quite resourceful when bored...KEEP IT UP!

  12. Wow, that looks great... so neat and tidy all wrapped up. I'm going to try this. Did you say that you preheated your stone for an HOUR? Well, yes, of course you did... I guess my question really is... did you mean to? LOL

  13. The Egyptians did something very similar, only they did it with their dead.

    I'm only teasing, that looks fantastic!

  14. Wow- this is so intense! I love it. I'm a sucker for meatloaf...and in bread form!

  15. Oh, that looks totally yummy! A little hand held sandwich. Oooo, with some dipping sauce? FAB-U-LOUS

  16. You're so good at this! An inspiration to the rest of us with idle hands.

  17. That really looks beautiful - great job with your braid!

  18. Bob, I want to get bored to enjoy this awesome stuffed bread lol! Yummmmmmy :)

  19. this is kind of a play on a pork pie - minus many of the fat-laden deliciousness. but this looks great. you're so funny - what happens when i get bored... ha.

  20. Nice tease on Food Gawker!!! Made me look:)

  21. Beautiful!!! I love to stuff bread. I stuff it with goat cheese, bell peppers, caramelized onions, and roasted garlic in a polenta bread. You've inspired me to do it again. Thanks!
    Dana Zia

  22. noble pig: Thanks! I'll do my best. ;)

    Karen: Heh, yeah I meant to. You're supposed to preheat it for at least a half hour, sometimes I just turn on the oven when I start my prep and however long that takes is how long I heat it for.

    Gwen: Thanks... I think. Are you saying my cooking looks like corpses? Heh. ;)

    Siri: Thanks! It's like loaf stuffed loaf.

    tamilyn: totally, dipping sauces would be awesome.

    duo: wow, thanks!

    JennDZ,Gera, we are never full, Kendra: Thanks!

    tokyoastrogirl: Nice. :D

    danazia: that sounds wicked good, I'll have to try that out.

  23. That dough presentation is gorgeous!

  24. Nice, Bob. You can be bored over at my house any time you like. :)

  25. Yes...absolutely lovely! I only wrap brie...and sausages...but now you've gotten me thinking...

  26. That's just awesome! This is the result when you're bored?! I play solitaire on the computer, you come up with tempting baked deliciousness.

  27. Wow - very creative! Looks delicious.

  28. Pastry wrapped meatloaf sounds good!

  29. That's beautiful. What a creative (and delicious) idea!

  30. wow, this is a really good idea. i like it. and thanks for those tips/pics of the braiding/wrapping!


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