Friday, February 27, 2009

Just a Taste of Pulled Pork

So I've reworked my pulled pork recipe. Not a huge amount, but I did get it smokey despite being in the oven and I made my own quick and easy barbecue sauce. Both came out quite well, but I'm not going to share the recipes with you today. You're going to have to wait till Monday. Why? Because I'm a mean man. I'm also wicked busy. But I will give you a sneak peek. Here we have the shoulder just before before it went in the oven. And when it came off the bone, ready to be pulled.But that's all you get for now. Heh.


  1. You are a very very bad man... That is tantamount to TORTURE!!!

  2. I agree with Culinary Alchemist! You just want us to come back on Monday!

  3. This is such a tease! But now between you and pigpigscorner I've got a huge craving for pulled pork!

  4. WHAT?! That's it?! You meanie! But the rub on the pork alone looks really good, can't wait for your recipe!! I'm in love with pulled pork now and I can't wait to try other recipes!

  5. We call this BBQ here in NC...its like a religion. This looks wonderful!

  6. It's just as well - if you'd posted today, I would want o have some pulled pork. But it's Lent and a Friday so instead of being a meanie, you've actual kept me pious! 8-)

  7. You are selfish and stingy...but whatevah'.

  8. Kendra's right...we spent a good few years in NC for college, and that is some of the best BBQ you'll get. Give us more!

  9. Frankly, I never thought of making my own pulled pork. And now that I've thought of it...what?

  10. I love pulled pork. In fact I am having pulled beef this weekend __ HA HA HA!! I know, it wasn't really funny. Can't wait till Monday!

  11. Culinary Alchemist: True. And you have to say it like the alien captain from Teenagers from Outer Space. ;)

    Linda Goossen: Also true! But I am wicked busy as well. Heh.

    5 Star Foodie: I have some leftover...

    pigpig: Heh, thanks!

    Reeni: :)

    Kendra: Thanks! I call it bbq too, although there are people who take offense to me doing so since it's done in an oven.

    Spryte: Yep!

    Tangled Noodle: Oh man, but I like to tempt! :D

    noble pig: Hey, I'll share! Eventually. Heh, heh, heh.

    duo: I will! If you are really curious though, I have a bacony pulled chicken recipe and the original pulled pork recipe already posted.

    unconfientialcook: It's the best. Plus your kitchen smells awesome for all day. Longer if your windows are closed.

    ChefBliss: Heh. ;)

  12. You're right...true BBQ is done in a pit...but hey, you do what you must right? LOL


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