Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm a Winner!

At least according to Jenny over at Picky Palate. No really! I have proof: See! Heh. I won a contest she was running and got a pound of English toffee from English Toffee Anytime. Thanks Jenny and ETA! This stuff was wicked good. I'm not a candy making kind of guy, it's a bit too fussy for me, so I only ever buy it. But I love English toffee and this was probably the best I've ever had. I mean look at this stuff. Nice thick layers of chocolate, almonds on top and in the toffee itself. Good times. Now it is a little pricey, I'm really glad I got some for free because right now I wouldn't be able to justify buying any. But damn man, this stuff is good. If I did have money, I would buy more. I got the milk chocolate almond kind, but they also do a dark chocolate one and a white chocolate one. So if you have a sweet tooth and a couple extra bucks I say grab some of this stuff, if you like toffee you will love it. I'll leave you guys with a nice close up. Enjoy.


  1. Congrats, that looks dang good!

  2. Oh, that is my favorite! We had a customer when I worked at the bank and he would send us a huge box every Christmas-we all descended on the lunchroom when it was announced that Jim's gift box had arrived! I should look at that site and order me my own box :)

  3. Wow, that looks real good!!

    I just posted a link to the Brummel and Brown yogurt butter...I love the stuff!

    Have a great week!

  4. Congratulations! Those do look good - now I have to go out and get myself some!

  5. that is some THICK ass toffee!
    do you need any help eating it? lol I'm here for ya buddy!

  6. noble pig: Thanks! It was. ;)

    tamilyn: That's better than anything I've gotten from a customer. Heh.

    Aggie: Thanks, I'll check that out.

    Tangled Noodle: You won't be disappointed. :)

    Dawn: I appreciate the offer, really I do, but it was gone in something like two days. I think we ate it for breakfast. :D

  7. I may have to go and make a batch of toffee...

  8. Yum! That looks great. Doncha just love giveaways and blog contests?

  9. Wouldn't last 10 minutes. Make that 1 minute! It looks really good. Lucky, lucky you!

  10. This looks like amazing toffee!

  11. CONGRATULATIONS!! This looks super good and I love toffee!!

  12. Congratulations - those look excellent! Yum!

  13. Glad you liked it Bob!! I told you it was wicked good didn't I?! We devoured our box way too fast.

  14. Jenny: I didn't doubt you for a second! :)


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