Monday, February 9, 2009

Fresh Eggs

My brother came by the other day to put a new motherboard in my computer. He brought with him a dozen eggs from a friend of his who has hobby chickens. These eggs had been laid less than a week ago by free range, well cared for birds. They are so much better than supermarket eggs it's unbelievable. When you have eggs this fresh there is really only one thing to do. Sunnyside up with toast. Just a little salt and pepper, cooked covered for the last little bit. That way the whites on the top cook a bit more than normal sunnyside up, but the yolks stay runny.
I like to dip my toast in the yolk. That's definitely the best part. Now that, kids, is some serious deliciousness. I'm going to do a few more things with these, mostly featuring the eggs themselves since they are so good. I've got some awesome scrambled eggs coming up and... more stuff. Ok, I'm not sure what else I'm going to make, but it's going to be good! Expect more breakfast stuff this week.

I'm curious, where does everyone stand on runny yolks? I've known people who can't handle the tiniest jiggle in their eggs and people who barely cook them. I like them runny when the eggs are fried, but I like my scrambled eggs and omelets pretty firm. Of course, most of the time my omelets turn into scrambled eggs, but that's a different story altogether. Heh.


  1. Runny yolks rule, but the slightest bit of uncooked white makes me gag. So I usually flip mine for a couple seconds, off heat, to make sure there's no disgusting-ness. Can't wait to see what's coming.

  2. That was one of the most perfectly fried eggs I think I have ever seen... I miss fresh eggs... (sigh)

  3. mmm there is nothing like fresh eggs! i'm so jealous! if you're looking for an "egg for dinner" kind of recipe, one of my favorites is Eggs Sunny Side Up over Spinach Cheese Polenta :)

  4. There is nothing in the world like these eggs. The yolk stands so tall, bright and rich it is unbelievable. Last spring I had some of these after St. Patrick's Day, so I took some leftover corned beef and made hash and eggs for dinner. Mighty fine stuff.

    I am with you, Vicki. I am even willing to sacrifice some runny yolk to make sure my whites are completely cooked. Bob's trick with covering the pan is not quite enough for me -- I must flip them.

  5. *DROOL*

    I just woke up, grabbed my laptop and this is one of the first things I saw. That is gorgeous, and since I grabbed my laptop instead of getting out of bed, I don't have time to make one!

    I LOVE runny yolks!! actually... I usually trim away the whites and toss them, then drop that beautiful yolk onto a piece of buttered toast with lots of pepper... That's is... now my stomach is grumbling for one... I don't care if I'm late!

  6. I'm definitely in the 'runny yolks' corner but I don't like undercooked whites (yours are so perfectly cooked) so my husband and I opt for 'over easy'. I've been curious about raising chickens; I should look into it again this spring.

  7. those eggs are cooked perfectly. So *compact, and with no white gooey yuchiness. lol! I see you love bacon too, I have one for Bacon, eggs and cheese spaghetti you may like. it may sound odd, but it is a yummy standard in my family. I cook spaghetti (al dente) and remove it to drain, I throw the bacon (that I have chopped up raw with kitchen shears) into the hot pasta pot and cook to preferred crispness. remove the bacon and discard most of the grease, leave a lot coating the bottom of pan to cook 6 or so eggs in. scramble the eggs to almost done, and throw the pasta back in. add the bacon and a bunch of diced up velveeta, toss around and cover to let the cheese melt. stands on its own, or, doctor it up further with anything, green onions, or fresh diced tomatoes, x sharp cheddar or sauteed mushrooms, ... yummm

    (*the fresher the egg, the tighter the white around the yolk, not running all over the pan when you crack it)

  8. Oh yes that is exactly what you do with them. Good thinking!
    I get my eggs from a local too. Wouldn't have it any other way. Those things they sell in grocery stores (not whole foods though) are not tasty.

  9. Just saw Spryte's post and she mentioned your post and now I'm drooling. I really wish I was home today so I could have had eggs for breakfast!

  10. How wonderful that you could get those fresh eggs! You cooked them perfectly.

  11. I grew up with fresh eggs. I actually get sick from store bought ones but not the fresh ones! Great Post..brings me back to my youth. I love runny yolks too!

  12. Fresh eggs are awesome!! They do wonderful things to quiche, so fluffy and extra tasty. I like runny yolks but their can't be any little bits of undercooked whites, ick. That's the trick for me getting every bit of white to cook without overcooking the yolk. Scrambled eggs have to be cooked through.

  13. Yes, fresh eggs are the best!! Especially when we get to gather them up that night then cook them up for a delicious "breakfast for dinner" (that is my favorite dinner!!!). Or you gather them the night before and have them the next morning-something nice to wake up to! I like my fried eggs just turning firm kinda over-medium instead of over-easy. scrambled I like firm.

  14. Vicki: That works too. ;)

    Culinary Alchemist: Thanks! I wish I could get them more often.

    Lick My Spoon: Eggs for dinner rules. I will check that out, thanks!

    Brutal: That's the best corned beef too. The first time I had these eggs at your place we mixed up some leftover steak tips with them. That was good too.

    Spryte: Heh, you're a madwoman! :)

    Tangled Noodle: I would love to have my own chickens, but my mothers stories of growing up on a chicken ranch have traumatized me so much I just can't do it. That and I live in a tiny apartment in the city.

    Fuji Mama: :)

    MaryAnn: Thanks! That sounds good to me, I'll have to give it a shot.

    Dawn: Thanks! I wish I could always get these eggs.

    Michele: Heh. :)

    5 Star Foodie: Thanks!

    Mistress: Thanks! I wish I had grown up with fresh eggs.

    Reeni: I'm still shaking from my last quiche failure, but I still might try one while I have these eggs. :)

  15. Janine: I wish I could gather eggs for dinner! I'm so jealous. :)

  16. I have issues with eggs. LOL First, after they come out of a chicken they have to go to a grocery store where I can buy them. Second, if I think about eggs while I'm eating them (where they came from, what they'd be if I didn't eat it and many other things) I get grossed out and can't finish eating them. Needless to say, most of my eggs are baked into something instead of sitting on my breakfast plate with yellow eyes looking at me. I need help, I know.

  17. I've never had fresh eggs in my life, just from the grocery store. How lucky for you!! I like your picture, although I can't do a runny yolk, it has to be really done for me.

  18. One of my clients brought me fresh eggs once a month and I was so hooked that now I have 9 chickens. There is nothing like fresh eggs, nothing. Also we found out that there is very important difference between eggs from free range happy chickens than chickens kept in captivity. They love to eat bugs and grass and it dramatically changes the flavor of the egg. BTW these eggs are also lower in cholesterol.
    I have a post on my love of chickens and eggs.
    Have an eggcellent day!

  19. If scrambled, gotta have them done hard. If fried, totally runny!

  20. This is exactly how I like my eggs! Can't have eggs without runny yolks and stuff to dip in them! :)

  21. I'm with you 100% on the eggs. Scrambled means cooked in my books. But there is nothing better than a runny yolk to dip toast or other good stuff in!! Hhhmm, breakfast is only 18 hours away!! Maybe lunch! Great post and wonderful pictures!! Thanks!

  22. Karen: If it makes you feel better all the eggs you buy come from chickens that never get near a rooster. :)

    Jennifer: Very lucky. Thanks! :)

    danazia: I'll check it out, thanks!

    duo: Great minds think alike. ;)

    Hilary: It's just the best, isn't it? Heh.

    ChefBliss: Thank YOU. Eggs for dinner is a good time too.

  23. I think they would be better described as "family members that happen to lay eggs" than "hobby chickens" :)

  24. Love eggs, poached is my favorite. Love the photo with the colored shells.

  25. I love runny yolks...I dip toast in mine, too!

    It is unbelievable when you taste fresh, quality, organic food products how much better they are than than other stuff! Those eggs look yummy :)

  26. kaje: Hey, it wasn't my description, it was your husbands! :P

    Lori Lynn: Thanks! I also enjoy a good poached egg. Maybe we will be able to compare techniques before the week is through. ;)

    Maria: I agree. Heh.

    Hayley: It's so true. I used to scoff at people who wanted fresh local stuff all the time. Till I tried it! :D

  27. A little runny, not too much so. I make the Dude make my eggs-he's good with breakfast food.

  28. Am I too late? did I miss breakfast? I'll have TWO of those please! (wheat toast would be great) I love sunny side up, but settle for overeasy or poached because I can NEVER cook it perfectly like that!

  29. As Archie Bunker said when Edith tried to serve cow tongue for dinner . . . "Cow tongue. I'm not eating anything that came out of a cow's mouth. Fry me up a couple of eggs."

    'Nuff said!

  30. I found a someone nearby that sells fresh eggs and I can't wait to go by there. Do they really taste better? I love eggs so I'm really looking forward to getting them fresh!!

  31. tamilyn: It's good to have someone like that around. :)

    DD: Sorry, you missed it. But I make breakfast a lot, so come by anytime. ;)

    Anon: Heh, nice.

    Aggie: Yes, there is a big difference in taste and richness. Fresh eggs are waaaaay better than supermarket ones.

  32. I love my eggs running all over the place. Runny eggs are the best Yuuuummmm....


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