Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beer Post: Harpoon Rauchfetzen

Here's a change, instead of a wine post, a beer post. I know, I'm crazy. But I'm trying to match food to beverages and posting about it helps. Now first off, a beer this good deserves a bad ass pint glass. Yeah baby. Heh. Ok, this was simply one of the best ales I have ever had. It's a limited edition, of course, which is a bummer because I really want to have it available all the time. It was crisp and fairly mellow, but still slightly warm and nutty with a nice light finish. It was very well balanced. It was a little hoppy, but not very. I personally don't like a really hoppy beer, just so you know. IPAs are generally way to much for me.

This would have been great with the ribs I made, the kielbasa linguine or a nice big slab of steak. It would also compliment strong flavored green veggies like broccoli (so twice as good with that steak recipe), peas or cabbage. It would be a perfect summertime drink, which makes me twice as sad that it's out now. I suppose I could buy a couple and keep them till summer... but really, what are the chances of that working out? Heh.


  1. I'm totally hip to this. I am clueless as to what types of beers go with what. I do know I can make a mean guiness & chocolate cake.
    I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I do LOVE Red Stripe beer--so good. Have you tried that? You must!

  2. I make a mean Guiness Gingbread! Other than that I'm not much into beer, but I do like the dark beers. You did a good review of this beer - and reminded me of those yummy oven-baked ribs!

  3. Send over a slab of steak, a scary ass glass and a beer named Harpoon and I am so in. Make sure you bring me an eyepatch too K?

  4. Before I read any more than the title, I told Jon I loved the glass!

  5. Dawn: Oh yeah, Red Stripe is a good time. My sister in law is particularly fond of it so they often have it during the summer. I'm intrigued by Guinness chocolate cake. :)

    Karen: Thanks! Guinness gingerbread? I'm intrigued by that too!

    noble pig: sure thing. ;)

    Spryte: Heh, yeah they are awesome glasses. I got a set of four from the Musicians Friend catalog for like 10 bucks. They are pretty good quality too.

  6. Bob,
    When are you making something with Makers Mark and butter? I am waiting!
    How about a whiskey cake?
    Not into the beer, just vino, especially Italiano.

  7. Stacey: Heh, a whiskey cake sounds good, I'll have to look into that. ;)


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