Saturday, December 20, 2008

Adults Only: The Best Hot Chocolate Ever

Recently one of my favorite bloggers, La Fuji Mama, did a series of posts on hot chocolate. It got me thinking. I like hot chocolate. It's good. Deep, huh? So I decided to make some myself. I used a basic formula: quality chocolate, milk, sugar and I added a little something extra. Baileys. Baileys rules. This is one of the reasons this isn't for kids. It came out very, very good. I think I put on five pounds just looking at it, but it was worth it. So, here is what I did.

First, I used good chocolate, like I mentioned. I happen to be fond of Lindt 70%. If you wanted to do this you could use whatever you like, but this gave it a really deep, rich chocolate flavor. This is the other reason this isn't for kids, not that many kids like dark chocolate. I chopped it up pretty small then heated up some milk over very low heat. I only had 2% on hand, but I found a way to fix that, which I will get to later. I added about two tablespoons of sugar and whisked it till it dissolved. Now, Fuji Mama says you should add your hot milk to the chocolate, but I added the chocolate to the pan of milk. I think that you add the milk to the chocolate so it doesn't risk scorching, but I was standing by with the whisk so nothing was getting scorched. At this point I thought "2% my ass" and added some cream. I mean, cmon. If you're going to go this far how can you not go further? Then I whisked it some more. Then I added the Baileys. About a quarter cup or so. Again, why mess around? A little whipped cream and there it is. The best hot chocolate I've ever had. It was like drinking a mug of dark chocolate. Just a little sweet and as rich as you can handle. My girlfriend didn't care for it, way too dark for her. She only likes milk chocolate. But my dad would have loved it. Well, without the Baileys. He doesn't get down like that. I strongly encourage you all to make some, changed to your tastes. It's just the best.


  1. Ohhh la la, that is some hot chocolate I would like.

  2. I had a hot chocolate tea party with my girls Bailey's, but I did use Rachel's whole milk! Plus, we used the special Girls' Tea Party Tea Set, and ate tiny cookies. Did you have tiny cookies? :-)

  3. Mommy Gourmet: Thanks!

    Deb: Heh, no tiny cookies. Big slice of chocolate bundt cake. :)

  4. you must have read my profile, as I love hot chocolate especially excellent and thick like that.

  5. I am a dark chocolate fanatic so I would love it!

  6. I need one or two of these right now! It's been snowing all weekend and shows no sign of stopping. This is the best hot chocolate! So rich with cream and good chocolate, yum!!!

  7. That would definitely hit the spot on a snowy rainy day like this one!

  8. Rico: Heh, it was a lucky guess. Your profile isn't available for viewing. :)

    noble pig: Yeah, dark chocolate is the bomb.

    Reeni: Thanks! It was wicked good, I could go for some more. Hmm, still have some Baileys...

    Michele: If I had a foodfax I'd send you some. :)

  9. I would so love to have a mug of that while plopped on the couch watching football. Sending Hubby to store right now for Baileys...

  10. Vicki: Enjoy! I'm severely tempted to make some more for myself... :)

  11. This recipe looks great! I love to add a little Bailey's to my egg nog during the holidays too!

  12. Gourmet Foodie: I bet that's wicked good, I've never tried it before.

  13. Wow, you make me crave for one hot chocolate. I can get exactly the same Lindt chocolate you use in the supermarket here. Got to make one tomorrow.

  14. janetching: Let me know how it turns out for you! :)

  15. Thats what I call hot chocolate. I love Baileys and hot chocolate and coffee.


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