Have you heard of

I hadn't until I read
this post over at Smitten Kitchen, after which I went and read a bit about it over at Wikipedia. Seriously though, what did we do before that endless font of dubious information? It's priceless, if somewhat unreliable.
Anyway, shakshuka is like the Italian eggs in purgatory, eggs poached in tomato sauce (Michele at My Italian Grandmother has
a recipe for that that looks wicked good), but spicy and with a more Mid-East/Northern Africa kind of thing to it.
I didn't have all the stuff that Deb had, like fresh anaheims or jalapenos, but I did have some of those jarred
roasted green chilies that I've been enjoying so much lately. So I decided to Mexicanize it. I didn't take a single measurement I'm afraid, but if anyone wants I can try to figure it out. It's really a to taste thing anyway. Yeah, that's what we'll go with this time.
Anyway, I started by sauteing up some chopped onion.

I had thought I had fresh garlic, but I didn't and wasn't about to run out to get some. This caused me some angst, but then I got over it and just used garlic powder. It was fine, but fresh would clearly be better. You would add it after the onions were lightly browned and saute it for around thirty seconds. Then I added the green chilies and the spices.

That's garlic powder, chili powder, dried cilantro, cayenne, cumin and black pepper. It was wicked spicy. Anyway then I just tossed in one of those little cans of tomato sauce, since this was a single serving,

and let it simmer over very low heat for about fifteen minutes or so.
While that was going I realized I needed something to eat this with. And since I've just gotta be me, I crisped up some leftover steak fries in the oven and plated them up.

Then I cracked an egg in in sauce and forgot to take a picture. Sorry about that. Anyway, since I was being true to myself already I put some cheese on there to melt after the egg was mostly done.

And that's it kids, other than plating.

Mexicanized shakshuka.

It was wicked good. I was a little leery of eggs and red sauce, but the creamy richness of the eggs balanced out the spicy and fairly acidic sauce really well.

And the steak fries were perfect as the bottom layer, they soaked up juices but stayed crispy around the edges. I will definitely be making this again.
Oh and I had some of the cheesy sauce leftover the next day. So I heated it up and dipped some store-bought taquitos in it for lunch.

Also wicked good.
hey this looks 'sorta' good - I think I will make something like this for breakfast today - thanks for the inspiration
I saw shakshouka on Deb's site as well and thought. Mmm. Yes.
I like your Mexicanized version. A new spin on a great dish is always appreciated!
oh it sure looks good!
It sure looks comforting and tastes super!
yes the sauce does look "wicked good" dipped with fries ... and I love the cheesy touch :D
Looks yummy!
But, can I ask why you seem to have a lot of leftover French fries? LOL! ;-)
I love eggs in purgatory, so this dish is a natural for me. I make mine in a puttanesca sauce but am always willing to try different tomato based sauces. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
I have seen this but never made it. I like your spin on it - and the fries were a good idea. I think I would love it!
I am liking your version and I can imagine it was quite tasty.
Wow!! This is a first I've heard of this. That's really cool. I do like tomato sauces. I've just gotten into poaching eggs. Mmmm... i like your twist to it, too. Add this to my must try!
Would be nice too with some pasta I bet. Great narration with your pics.
I have never seen this - but I really love how you served it over your fries!
Never heard of it, but I have the feeling I really want to try this!! Looks pretty darn good!
Oh my, I am drooling! And all this goodness over french fries! I'll go on over and see what Smitten Kitchen has to say and then copy your recipe. Looks too good to pass up!
I've heard of it but never tried it before, looks terrific!
oh yaaaaaa...now THAT looks amazing!!!!
I've seen this someplace before. I like the goodies you put into your sauce. I haven't tried eggs this way yet. I'll have to give it a shot soon. ;)
Bob, this makes me wish I liked eggs...
Love that runny egg in the sauce :)
yumyum! i love poached egg! i've thrown one on top of my pasta dishes a few times. mmmmmmm gooey yolk~
Saw this on Smitten Kitchen, too!! Your interpretation with fries is more of the way I'd eat it!
I love the idea of putting this over fries!
the moment i first saw shakshuka on smitten kitchen, i thought that it needed to be mexicanized (i hadn't created that word in my head, but it fits perfectly!). your first round and leftovers look magnificent!
Mmm mmm mmm! Covering a few fries with this is a nice way to create a complete meal. Liking your version a lot.
I have no idea what's the name of this thing but this looks really good! Saving it up for later use! Thanks, Bob!
Cheers, Kristy
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